Shoemoney · Posted Apr 13 2006

10k ppc experiment part2

This is a second and final post to my experiment with pay per click engines. This is mostly based on my theories and social engineering. Please make sure you do your own research b...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 10 2006

Link Baiting, New York Times Style

The blogosphere has been abuzz this weekend and today over this New York Times article, which covers the need to think about search engines when writing headlines. The article lam...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 09 2006

Why Emotion Matters

Does the best man always win? Or the best woman, the best product, or the most worthy cause? Last month, one of the more popular viral videos that made the rounds was that of p...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 08 2006

The $10,000.00 experiment with ppc Part 1

The background: I have been working on this post off and on for a long time. It was really hard to write. I want to talk about my experience but at the same time I want to be in...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 07 2006

4 8 15 16 23 42 – Now I am LOST!

If these numbers do not mean anything to you then you are not addicted to Lost like me. As you may or may not know I am been super sick the last 4 days or so… and while sick I wa...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 06 2006

Go Blog Wild With Andy Wibbels

There have been a whole slew of blogging for business books released lately. But I’ve been holding out for this one. Andy Wibbels has written the small business blogging book...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 05 2006

Viral Marketing For The Win

I was idle in the webmaster radio chat room when I saw oilman post a link to this website. Evidently this guy has a bet with his Girlfriend that if he can 2,000,000 hits she will...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 05 2006

Seo Rockstars was a most excellent time

I was on SEO Rockstars last night and had ZERO preparation. I was actually super nervous as I had no idea what questions were coming my way. I had talked a little bit with Oilman (...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 03 2006

The Long and Short of Copywriting

They’re some of the most often-asked questions about copywriting. Long or short copy, which works best? What about headlines? The correct answer usually drives people crazy, w...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 03 2006

Catch me eating and win 25$ plus shirt and hat

Ok… someone sugested I retry contests so here goes. If someone catches me eating on the moneycam take a screenshot and upload it here If you are the first you will win 25$ gift...