Shoemoney · Posted May 03 2006

Search Engine Bot followup – True Searchbot ROI

I did a post a while back here in which I talk about how much traffic search engines are sending me vs how much they are indexing me. It was a fun and interesting stat (to me) but...
Shoemoney · Posted May 01 2006

Toronto 2006 Search Engine Strategies Recap

EDIT: I forgot to thank Jason Bailey for many of the great pics I posted! Wow Toronto was a LOT of fun… gee where did all the time go.. I got off the plane into Canada about 6p...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 30 2006

I never learned anything from a compliment

People often send me emails with URLs to where others have been critical of my work or writing… or whatever. A lot of times they will follow it up by “what a jerk” or something li...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 29 2006

Looking for domain register – tried and

Can anyone drop some names of registers and some experiences they have had with them. Here is my experiences so far: Solid infrastructure and time tested tools. N...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 28 2006

Your Unique Story Proposition

You’ve likely heard of the need for a “unique selling proposition” (USP) in order to be successful in business. In essence, a USP is something that you offer customers or clients t...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 26 2006

Toronto SES – A lot of fun so far

I am having a blast here at the Toronto SES. It has really been one of the more surprisingly fun conferences I have been to. It has been standing room only here at Toronto at the s...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 26 2006

1,000 Marketing Conversations

Eric Mattson is an American marketer living in Stockholm, Sweden. He’s decided to do something very interesting with his blog. Eric’s goal is to perform 1,000 interviews with peo...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 24 2006

The Four Horsemen of the Internet Apocalypse

Just when you thought it was safe to get really excited about the fantastic possibilities of the Internet again, a dark cloud looms. The Internet as you have always known it is fa...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 23 2006

Googles BigDaddy and the Bots – Tests and Clarification

First of all big props to Jensense and Greg Boser aka webguerrilla for first spoting and reporting the whole media bot indexing. Just wanted to post and maybe clarify some things...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 23 2006

Search Engine ROI – Is GoogleBot Really That Efficient?

Search Engine ROI – What is ShoeMoney smoking?? You may ask. Well if you break it down each time a bot spiders your page it costs you money. It may be a small amount but it does c...