Shoemoney · Posted Dec 12 2005

The Office on NBC

If you havent been watching The Office on NBC then you are really missing out on something. Thats really all I have to say about that. Season 1 just came out also if you need a i...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 11 2005

It all comes back to the domain name

Everyone wants to know how to get traffic to their websites. Including me. Sure SERPS are great in the short term for but its not going to l...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 11 2005

Richard Pryor Dead At 65

I normally dont write about this too off topic but I wanted to acknowledge the passing of Richard Pryor: From the AP: (AP) LOS ANGELES Richard Pryor, the groundbreaking comedi...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 10 2005

A great way to get word of mouth traffic

One of my best secrets to get word of mouth traffic is to post a ad in the classifieds for hiring. Yes HIRING. You see if you place a advertisement it costs you TONS (usually 10x...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 10 2005

Seo is dead

When I was in San Jose last summer at the SES convention, I attended a session which dealt with contextual advertising. In the panel was Jason Calcanis and when asked about SEO he...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 09 2005

Chitika -Impulse clicks ok but not curiousity

I noticed to day on Chitikas website that there company slogin is “Chitika, Inc. – The Leader in Impulse Merchandising”. Geez I dont mean to constantly be raging on Chtika but wi...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 09 2005

Alexia dislexia

My alexa information for has always been wrong. Its always showed information for a site that I dont even own. This has recently buged me a lot. I wrote them a few...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 07 2005

3 months of blogging under my belt

So today marks the 2nd month of my blog being alive. I started it shortly after I returned from the SES in San Jose. I originally just wanted a place to store all my photos from t...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 04 2005

The Coke theory – small degrees of seperation

Here is something I came up with a few months back when talking to a friend I later posted about it at digitalpoint and recieved a lot of feedback. I like to call it the coke theor...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 04 2005

Your Chitika Referral ID here

So for whatever reason Google and Yahoo have decided my original Chitika post should rank high. I guess perhaps I could be thought of in bed with Chitika…. After all I called out t...