If you havent been watching The Office on NBC then you are really missing out on something. Thats really all I have to say about that. Season 1 just came out also if you need a i...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/12/the-o...Everyone wants to know how to get traffic to their websites. Including me. Sure SERPS are great in the short term for spamword-spamword-spamword-spamword.com but its not going to l...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/11/it-al...I normally dont write about this too off topic but I wanted to acknowledge the passing of Richard Pryor: From the AP: (AP) LOS ANGELES Richard Pryor, the groundbreaking comedi...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/11/richa...One of my best secrets to get word of mouth traffic is to post a ad in the classifieds for hiring. Yes HIRING. You see if you place a advertisement it costs you TONS (usually 10x...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/10/a-gre...When I was in San Jose last summer at the SES convention, I attended a session which dealt with contextual advertising. In the panel was Jason Calcanis and when asked about SEO he...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/10/seo-i...I noticed to day on Chitikas website that there company slogin is “Chitika, Inc. – The Leader in Impulse Merchandising”. Geez I dont mean to constantly be raging on Chtika but wi...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/09/chiti...My alexa information for shoemoney.com has always been wrong. Its always showed information for a site that I dont even own. This has recently buged me a lot. I wrote them a few...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/09/alexi...So today marks the 2nd month of my blog being alive. I started it shortly after I returned from the SES in San Jose. I originally just wanted a place to store all my photos from t...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/07/3-mon...Here is something I came up with a few months back when talking to a friend I later posted about it at digitalpoint and recieved a lot of feedback. I like to call it the coke theor...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/04/the-c...So for whatever reason Google and Yahoo have decided my original Chitika post should rank high. I guess perhaps I could be thought of in bed with Chitika…. After all I called out t...
shoemoney.com/2005/12/04/your-...Affdaily.com © 2024. All rights reserved