Poor Fluffy. I asked you not to do this, and you’ve gone and broken the rules. Things don’t look good for this cute little kitten I’ve taken hostage in case my demands were not...
copyblogger.com/do-not-read-th...The most common question from people in email or in person is “what is my domain name worth”. I always ask them if the have people interested or not. The answer is usually no, foll...
shoemoney.com/2006/01/14/whats...A while a go I posted about Alexa where they had my site mixed up with another. I noticed yesterday that now its right. Check here if you care
shoemoney.com/2006/01/13/alexa...Blogging creates relationships. From a psychological standpoint, it puts readers in the proper mood to buy. Your blog creates a positive mental frame through which people will v...
copyblogger.com/going-off-road...I dont know where I been but there is a contest to rank #1 for Redscowl Bluesingsky so I decided to make a page for it. Its just a default wordpress 2.0. Will be interesting to see...
shoemoney.com/2006/01/10/made-...I have been following this case pretty close because I used this company CIS internet Services when I lived in Des Moines, Iowa. I was pretty amazed today to see they have been awa...
shoemoney.com/2006/01/10/james...People hate to be sold. But they love to buy. Yes, they want to buy from you. Really! If a visitor stops by your blog with a relevant want or a need, they’re looking to you t...
copyblogger.com/creating-the-p...Do you understand Google’s algorithm? Think your good at SEO (Search engine optimization) ? John Scott of V7n has issued a challenge to the best of the best to rank #1 for a ran...
shoemoney.com/2006/01/09/10000...Mention the word “selling” in the context of a blog, and some people will immediately have a bad reaction. It’s almost as if you said something sacrilegious. Why? Because we ha...
copyblogger.com/sold/My search engine marketing pick for 2006 is religion. Everyone knows the Davinci Code is coming out but i have a good feeling this movie called “The Beast” is going to be a huge...
shoemoney.com/2006/01/08/my-in...Affdaily.com © 2024. All rights reserved