Copyblogger · Posted May 12 2006

Four Simple Steps to More Blog Subscribers

Do you know the quickest, simplest way to get more subscribers to your blog? The answer is to ask them to subscribe, and make it as easy as possible. Wow. That’s way too obvio...
Shoemoney · Posted May 11 2006

Pay Per Click ( PPC ) Strategies

Since doing the PPC experiments I have had a lot of people asking me for help with there campaigns. Just sticking with the ringtone theme I see the same mistake time and time again...
Copyblogger · Posted May 09 2006

Where’s the Money in Blogging?

The money’s not in your archives. The money’s not in your Technorati rank. The money’s not in your Google juice. The money’s not in being on the A-List. The money’s not in...
Shoemoney · Posted May 08 2006

Aol Instant Messanger SERPS Bot

Do you use aol instant messanger? If so there is a cool bot we have been working on for you. Add serpbot to your contacts and message it help. Here is a example screenshots on...
Shoemoney · Posted May 08 2006

Seoblackhat No Limit Texas Holdem Poker Tournament

It took me about 3 weeks to figure out a way to deposit some money into a partypoker account but finally I am good to go. Now I just need to figure out how this texas holdem poker...
Shoemoney · Posted May 08 2006

Plentyoffish – Marketing 101 When All Else Fails Just Lie

The following is my opinion- Well… I can not believe so many people have bought into this whole plentyoffish scam. Actually I can. Social engineering totally amazes me. Check o...
Copyblogger · Posted May 07 2006

Free Link Love

Are there any three sweeter words to the ear of a blogger? One of the points I really wanted to stress in my free Viral Copy report was that linking out often to others was one o...
Shoemoney · Posted May 06 2006

Berkshire Hathaway Meeting – Bill Gates Bows out from being first shoemoney show guest (politely)

I got up at 5am this morning and drove from Lincoln to Omaha to attend the BRK shareholder meeting. Was really nice to meet those of you that said hi. I ran into Bill Gates for t...
Copyblogger · Posted May 05 2006

They Laughed When He Ran Away From the Basket… Until He Sank the Three Pointer!

Why would a 7-foot-tall forward in the NBA bother taking shots from way back behind the three point line? Because he makes them. That’s quite remarkable, given that fellow 7-fo...
Shoemoney · Posted May 05 2006

Berkshire Hathaway Weekend

This weekend is the annual Berkshire Hathaway INC. stock holders meeting. I love this event and have some people flying into town for it. I know some of you guys are brk stock hol...