Shoemoney · Posted May 19 2006

FUH2 Giving Hummers Over The Phone ?

**WARNING**: some of these links are not safe for work As Jason commented in my hummer post. If you havent been to you should. Its totally hilarious. Basically it encour...
Shoemoney · Posted May 19 2006

My Sister Graduated College!

Former professional quake player (seriously) Andrea Schoemaker has graduated college! I cant tell you how proud I am of my sister for sticking it out and making it happen. She has...
Shoemoney · Posted May 18 2006

Technorati Has Some New Bling

A friend linked me to this post on performancing where Nick talks about Technorati “baseball cards”. This is kind of cool. I wish technorati had more tools for bloggers… I have sug...
Copyblogger · Posted May 18 2006

Is RSS Like CB Radio?

Imagine if ATT had decided to send all of its telephone subscribers a free CB radio back in the 1970s, just to make sure the company was at the forefront of an exciting new communi...
Shoemoney · Posted May 17 2006

Google coop part 2

OK so I thought I understood the Google coop and I think I do for the most part but not really….. Talking with other “experts” the only thing that is common is that everyone think...
Shoemoney · Posted May 16 2006

My Wife Got Me A H2 Hummer For My Birthday

Getting a H2 Hummer LUX package SUV Hummer for your birthday from your wife: KICKASS Getting it home and getting it stuck in your garage cause its to tall with the 22in rims y...
Copyblogger · Posted May 16 2006

What’s Your Blog Really About?

I read a great story this morning. It’s all about this guy who started blogging back in 2002 after he read an article on the subject. He spent all his free time teaching himself...
Shoemoney · Posted May 15 2006

Ringtone Ads dominating adsense

I have been spotting flycell ads on about every site with adsense on it. I wonder if Google is allowing new network ads similar to what yahoo has been doing with Vonage and other s...
Shoemoney · Posted May 14 2006

I used to be FAT until I had A Duodenal Switch

Warning: This post is about a weight loss procedure I went through about 2.5 years ago. It contains no information about making money online. A lot of people have noticed in the...
Shoemoney · Posted May 12 2006

Google Throws Spammers A New Curve – Introducing Google Coop

At 2006 Boston Pubcon Dave and I ran into Matt Cutts and I told Matt about this great paper I was working on for airoweb about finding the balance of social bookmarking/voting and...