Copyblogger · Posted Feb 10 2006

The Social Media Killer App

This blog is all about marketing with words in a social media context. From the interactions with our readers, to the ways in which ideas spread and promotion is performed, we are...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 09 2006

Tabke in my challenge image

So you guys know those annoying “type what is in the image” thingies? I got one the other day and It was the word TABKE. The really weird thing was I was thinking about Brett Tabke...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 09 2006

Technorati has fixed me up

A while ago I posted about how my site was not updating on Technorati and how it was really irritating me. Then I noticed they bloged about giving good customer support. I wrote th...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 08 2006

I am addicted to Webmaster Radio

Mid last month I was scouring Itunes looking for various books on Audio in preparation for my 1.5 month traveling extravaganza… It started Mid January when I went to Sioux Falls S...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 08 2006

The RSS Imperative

There’s been a huge amount of discussion about America Online and Yahoo’s plans to start using a system that gives preferential treatment to email messages from companies that pay...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 07 2006

Snarky Doesn’t Sell

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the push for mass adoption of business blogging, and how the generally snarky tone that pervades the blogosphere would work out in conjunction...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 06 2006

This Article Rocks… I Guarantee It!

There you have it. You just can’t go wrong reading this article. I’ve guaranteed your satisfaction. Those are powerful words, right? But what does my guarantee really mean?...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 05 2006

Online Cash Kings Content Syndication of Jensense Calacanis and Me

I was alerted to this site here from a few readers. Evidently it is syndicating FULL posts from my blog and other online marketers like Jason Calacanis and Jensense. After looki...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 05 2006

Godaddy frustrations have hit me first hand

UPDATE: its now 4 hours after I initial was locked out and I still can not get into my godaddy account. I called them back and the godaddy representative is now saying it takes 24...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 04 2006

Php5 Boot camp wrap up

Last Sunday when I took off from Omaha I was not really sure what to expect. I have such a love hate relationship with traveling. I always dread when I have to leave but once I am...