Copyblogger · Posted Feb 18 2006

The Definition of Irony

In the NBA All-Star theatrics tonight, 7-footer Dirk Nowitzki won the 3-point shooting contest and 5-foot-9 Nate Robinson won the slam dunk competition. But the story is even bet...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 18 2006 needs some serious seo help

I first came across this site because I noticed they used to resell my content…. I asked them to stop and they did… I think. They have to be spending a lot of money o...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 17 2006

Who Knew Sex Had This Effect?

Robert Scoble has created a “Fun With Search Engines” experiment involving the nonsense tag brrreeeport. Scoble’s search engine prank then morphed into how to get on the blogging A...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 17 2006

I want a title

Every-time I hear my wife use her title I think its so cool and I have to get one. She calls room service and is like,  “this is Dr Schoemaker I need more pillows” then they call b...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 14 2006

The Greatest Sales Letter of All Time

In line with my advice to study advertising copy that works, I thought I’d share what many consider to be the most successful sales letter ever. The following is an excerpt from...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 14 2006

The #1 Secret to Writing Great Copy Is . . .

Using words that work with the people you’re trying to persuade. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Study and draw inspiration from great copy that works. I’m not talking about copy th...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 14 2006

v7ndotcom elursrebmem interview with myself

What is the big deal with interviews lately? I have had about 20 interview requests about this v7ndotcom elursrebmem contest from various bloggers and even some print media like th...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 14 2006

Reason 423 why webmasterworld is dying a fast death

The most recent STUPID thing Brett Tabke has done over at webmasterworld was censor the phrase “jensense”. Now I hear that Jensense has given up her position as a moderator at webm...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 12 2006

Seo Racism

So I was wondering why are people who do shady seo called “black hats” and the good seo are called “white hats” ? Why does the black always have to be associated with bad? Yes I kn...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 11 2006

New White ShoeMoney T-Shirts

After we got out black embrodered shirts a few weeks back we thought we would go after some T-Shirts. A contract programmer hooked me up with this place that gets them sooo cheap...