Copyblogger · Posted Feb 24 2006

The Blog Network Killer?

The beta version of the Rojo FeedShare service has been released, and I think there are some interesting implications. At its essence, FeedShare harkens back to the old traffic-ex...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 24 2006

RSS Marketing Roundup

A big part of my going-forward focus is the ways in which RSS will transform content delivery and direct marketing online. It’s such a fast moving area, though, that if I only com...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 24 2006

ShoeMoney SEM/SEO contest worth over $25,000.00

I have always wanted to host a SEO/SEM contest but I wanted to do something original… different… Now Don’t get me wrong, I love what and v7n have put together AND I hav...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 24 2006 – Kris Yoder and company practicing bad html?

Lately many people have contacted me for upadtes on the whole Quick Connect saga. The truth is there hasnt been any updates at all. I havent even had time to sit down with my atto...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 24 2006

Geo Target Your Visitors

If you are not Geotargeting your website visitors based on you are really missing the boat. Not only could you be losing revenue but you are probably going against the TOS by showi...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 23 2006

Much Obliged: The Power of Reciprocity

What do you think would happen if you sent out a large batch of Christmas cards early in the month of December — to complete strangers? Nothing? Maybe a few confused phone calls...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 23 2006

Yahoo Search Marketing taking some notes from MSN AdCenter Pilot; Will Google follow?

Reading Search Engine RoundTable today I spotted this: According to an email received by a member of SEW forums, Yahoo will no longer allow bidding on brand keywords by non-bra...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 21 2006

Click, Whirr, Buy

The proprietor of a Native American jewelry store in Arizona was having trouble selling her inventory of certain turquoise pieces. Despite the fact that the jewelry was of high qu...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 20 2006

Plan for piracy, how I do it

Pirates are everywhere MATEEEEE ARGH! In today’s world of trying to make money online you HAVE to plan for piracy. If you ever do anything that smells a LITTLE bit like success p...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 18 2006

Top 5 Blogging Clichés That Need To Die

5. The word “kerfuffle.” 4. I’m not calling it “Web 2.0” because it’s just so over. 3. Referencing “Denton” and “Calacanis” in the same overly-reverential sentence....