Copyblogger · Posted Mar 01 2006

No Email Taxation Without Requisition

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and a host of others have released an open letter to AOL asking the ISP to reconsider adoption of the proposed Goodmail “email tax” that made big...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 01 2006

ses day 3 – my last day in nyc

Today was a really good day for sessions. The first one I went to was called link building and had experts like Greg Boser, Chris Boggs and Mike Grehan speaking on the panel. I pic...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 28 2006

Four Reasons to Keep My Mouth Shut

Well, after essentially telling the world in my free report that I think the 4 things chain-meme is actually not much of a meme at all, I naturally get tagged with it. It seems Li...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 28 2006

What’s Wrong With Steve Rubel?

Steve Rubel had a rather nasty reaction to my free Viral Copy report. It’s obvious he hasn’t actually read it, because if he had, he wouldn’t be able to make the completely wrong-...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 28 2006

Saw NYC, Interviewed by Jensense, Got Blitzed in a Irish Pub

SES day 2 Today I woke up a little late and didn’t make it to the Hilton until around 10:30. I took my wife and got her a exhibitors pass. We hit up all the exhibits then called...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 28 2006

Social Proof: Herd it Through the Grapevine

No, that’s not a typo in the title above, as we’ll soon see. But first, some disturbing news. It’s become fairly well-known that unfortunate events reported heavily in the media...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 27 2006

Ses Day 1 – Already got my money worth

I arrived late in New York City about 3pm and went straight to the conference. I registered and checked out some of the sessions. It was standing room only and I was starving. I...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 26 2006

Free Link Bait Report

With all the recent buzz surrounding Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere, the Magic Middle, New York Magazine’s A-List love fest, the resulting A-List denial fest, and the latest...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 24 2006

Trading Words For Traffic

Many professional copywriters don’t think of blogs as a way to generate sales. Why? Because blogs are not a “direct-response” environment, and some of the very best copywriters a...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 24 2006

Transparent Marketing

If you’re not reading Hugh MacLeod’s Gaping Void, you should be. Hugh is an extremely popular blogger who spends less time pontificating and more time actually growing businesses....