Copyblogger · Posted Mar 09 2006

Two More Attention Strategies

Since I’ve noticed a fair amount of interest in blogging publicity strategies, here’s a couple more to study. First up is The $39 Experiment: Asking Random Companies for Stuff....
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 08 2006

50 cent domain registration

Slickdeals has a post saying Dotster will give away coupons to register a new .com, .net or .org domain for 50 cents to the first 1000 customers from 5pm – 6pm Eastern Standard...
Copyblogger · Posted Mar 08 2006

Number One at Amazon

That’s right. Viral Copy is currently the top bestseller at Amazon. OK, not exactly, but let me explain. Those of you that read my free viral marketing report may have notic...
Copyblogger · Posted Mar 07 2006

You Must Respect My Authority

One of my favorite episodes of South Park is when crass little Eric Cartman puts on a police officer’s uniform. He trolls around on his Big Wheel, screaming “Respect my authori-tie...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 07 2006

Seochat forums nuked from Google index

I remember one time Matt Cutts talking about the user experience… about how they were focused on delivering what they think the user would find. For some time I had thought seo c...
Copyblogger · Posted Mar 06 2006

And the Oscar Went to…

The 78th annual film industry publicity stunt Oscars are now in the bag, ably hosted by Jon Stewart, with a whole host of Daily Show-esque comedic interludes voiced by (who else?)...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 05 2006

seologs redscowl bluesingsky seo contest over contest has come to a close and the winner is …… me As I stated I forfeit the 500$ to who ever finished #2 (since I put up the cash). I have been getting a lot of...
Copyblogger · Posted Mar 04 2006

People Really Want to Help You

Understanding human nature is crucial to great marketing, and many believe that the key to success is to cater to selfishness. You hear quite a bit about needing to relentlessly f...
Copyblogger · Posted Mar 03 2006

Public Relations vs. Publicity

Just in time for the first update to the Viral Copy section of Copyblogger, the debate about the relevancy of press releases explodes. Let’s take a look, shall we? Tom Forenski...
Copyblogger · Posted Mar 01 2006

How to Avoid the Pollution Plague

Seth Godin thinks that the global warming movement could use better copywriters. Without getting into a debate about the underlying science, Seth uses global warming as an exampl...