Shoemoney · Posted Apr 23 2006

Show me the money – tips for affiliate networks

What does not work with me: It seems about every other day I get a call from a affiliate company telling me they have “the best payouts guaranteed”. They also always seem like t...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 21 2006

How To Make Enemies at Pubcon – Bluetooth Spam Them

So this guy from Web Award at Pubcon kept Bluetooth spamming everyone into oblivion. What is Bluetooth spam? Its when your phone buzzes and you look down at it and it looks like th...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 21 2006

What Owen Wilson’s Pursed Lips Mean to Your Blog

What in the world could Hollywood heart throb Owen Wilson have to do with the effectiveness of your blogging? And how, exactly, do his lips come into play? It all ties together (...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 20 2006

Read This Before You Buy Any Copywriting Resource

As you might imagine, I’ve got a bunch of copywriting books and courses. It’s been said that selling with words is the most financially lucrative skill one can possess. That’s t...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 19 2006

The Two Most Important Words in Blogging, Persuasion, and Copywriting

Imagine… by the end of this post, you will be a more effective blogger, all because you learned two very important words, and the specific reasons why those words are so crucial....
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 18 2006

Matt Cutts Confirms Media Bot Crawling For Big Daddy

At the Lunch sponsored by Google today Matt Cutts confirmed the recent rumors about media bot results getting into Big Daddy. Matt said it is a bandwidth saving feature to have Goo...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 18 2006

Off the Grid

If anyone noticed it’s been a bit quiet around here (please lie and say you did!), it’s because I took a little impromptu R&R. And I left the laptop at home. Now, for some...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 16 2006

Boston Pubcon Schedule – Shoemoney Cheat sheet

I made a cheat sheet for what sessions I will be going to but also I am going to write a little about them Also its 1 page printable Yellow=Where I will be Pink=Where I will no...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 15 2006

Write ads for conversions not for clicks

So from my other post some people have asked how I get such high conversions.. Basically I try to write ads for conversions and not clicks. I see so many ads on all programs that...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 13 2006

AzoogleAds Bought Me A New MacBook Pro For My BirthDay

I had hinted a bit to AzoogleAds that I really needed a new badass Apple MacBook Pro with a Intel Core DUO processor (so I can run Windows and MacOSX natively at the same time) for...