Copyblogger · Posted May 24 2006

How to Get 53% More Readers for Every Blog Post You Write

You know from the 80/20 Rule of Headlines that the best way to get your writing read is to improve your headline. It can be a bitter pill to swallow when you realize that most peo...
Shoemoney · Posted May 24 2006


SO wow… Many turns I did not see coming on the Lost Season Finale… So now what? Damn…
Shoemoney · Posted May 24 2006

Season Finale Of Lost Is On Tonight

I can’t believe I am so wrapped up in a TV show! I wonder what is going to happen tonight. Will the be rescued ? NO … WTF is going to happen!?!?! I can’t wait to see it.
Shoemoney · Posted May 21 2006

Can you outrank me for shoemoney ? I got 1000$ that says you can’t

For the next Month (until June 22nd) every sunday at midnight CST I will check the Google results for the keyword “shoemoney” on Yahoo Google and MSN. You can call it a seo comp...
Shoemoney · Posted May 20 2006

Fun With Expired Domain Names – Ranking Tops For Poker Terms

About 3 months ago I found a domain that was unregistered but showed over 9,000 backlinks in Yahoo and MSN. The domain was I noticed that 90% of the links were no follow...
Shoemoney · Posted May 20 2006

Yahoo Publisher Network NOW DOING DIRECT DEPOSIT

OMG this is outstanding news… I been HATING having my Yahoo checks come via standard mail. Dear Jeremy, We’ve just made receiving your Yahoo! Publisher Network earnings quick...
Shoemoney · Posted May 20 2006

Google Coop part 3 – not giving up yet

I am 90% done with my wordpress plugin for Google Coop…. I think I get it and I am starting to see a lot of SEO people do get it. I just do not think general users will get it....
Shoemoney · Posted May 19 2006

The Da Vinci Code Opens Tomorrow

Well The Davinci Code opens tomorrow nationwide and I am pretty pumped to see it. This is one of the few movies this year I really want to see. Hopefully I can get my wife to go =)
Shoemoney · Posted May 19 2006

Whats up graywolf ? post your gas pics

Graywolf recently made a challenge for people to post there gas pics from there cell phones. (BTW do not hold onto the nozzle while taking the pic or you could set yourself on fire...
Shoemoney · Posted May 19 2006

FUH2 Giving Hummers Over The Phone ?

**WARNING**: some of these links are not safe for work As Jason commented in my hummer post. If you havent been to you should. Its totally hilarious. Basically it encour...