Shoemoney · Posted Jun 18 2006

Net Income 6-20-2006 Episode 3 The Guest Is….. You!!

Tomorrow’s Net Income show is going to be almost all user participation. Each person that calls in will get a 15$ amazon gift certificut (code by email). Keep in mind there is no s...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 18 2006

Yahoo Baby Gear

As some of you have noticed there are pics of the cool Yahoo! Baby clothes that my friends at Yahoo! Publisher Network sent me. Thank you very much she is going to love these (s...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 16 2006

The Other Matt Is Banned From Google

The other Matt – The Creator of WordPress claims he has been banned from google. Matt has had the honor of the #1 spot in Google for the keyword “matt” for a long time. Other Mat...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 16 2006

Dude Sells Landing Page On Ebay For 10,000$

UPDATE: I have been contacted and evidently the people who own this site here are claiming intelectual property rights to the design and plan to sue this seller and file DMCA to th...
Copyblogger · Posted Jun 14 2006

5 Steps to Pay Per Click Advertising That Works

Compared with the ineffective crapshoot that is traditional advertising, there’s no better way to get targeted traffic than through pay-for-performance keyword advertising in searc...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 14 2006

Flocking Microsoft AdCenter!

So like AdCenter is cool but I cant use it on my Macintosh and it REALLY pisses me off. They do not support Firefox or Safari. But guess what? FLOCK WORKS FOR ADCENTER YEEE...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 14 2006

Making Money From Forums – Net Income Episode 2

This week on Net Income the show was purely about making money from forums and other social websites. This show was a little better structured and we started the show with the “Mon...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 13 2006

The Commission Junction Petition To Can Javascript Links

Scott Jangro has organized a petition to stop CJ from using Javascript Affiliate links. You do not want to miss this… sign on today Here
Copyblogger · Posted Jun 12 2006

It’s Dangerous Out There . . .

I had a chat with my friend Prince Campbell (a/k/a Chartreuse) this weekend, which isn’t all that out of the ordinary. What made it a bit different was the cease and desist lette...
Copyblogger · Posted Jun 11 2006

How to Get Huge Viral Buzz for Your Start-Up

Hire a prominent blogger. See #1. Further discussion — too many links to count. Here’s Robert’s thoughts. Subscribe to Copyblogger today!