Copyblogger · Posted Aug 01 2006

For Whom the Blog Tips (It Tips For Thee)

Well, it’s the first of the month, and I promised Easton Ellsworth that I would do some blog tipping, and I’ve gotta stick to my word. And since we’re only 11 days late for Papa’s...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 31 2006

Help Marcela DeVivo AKA 2_Much WMW MOD – 2_much Fundraiser

Update:12am – Just hit $2200.00 total donated. Update 4pm – wow its been less then 1 hour since I posted this campaign and over 1700$ has come in so far. It does not reflect on...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 30 2006

10 Sure-Fire Headline Formulas That Work

So, you’re seeing too many of those “how to” and list headlines, and want to try a few different angles? Let’s move beyond those common headline formulas you see over and over, a...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 30 2006

WinRAR For Free Today

My favorite compression utility for Windows – WinRAR is giving away free licenses today (July 30th) To Say Thanks and to Celebrate: Get the Winner WinRAR 3.51 for FREE on Sunday...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 28 2006

Huge Security Issue For Apache Mod_Rewrite Patch Your Servers Now

For many people doing SEO mod_rewrite has been a god send. But now there is a ZERO DAY exploit for apache that lets h4x0rs take over your server. Upgrade now.
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 26 2006

SEO Secrets Revealed

The “secrets” may surprise you. Nick Wilson of Performancing has put together a great post that truly breaks down the methodology involved with search engine optimization in a wo...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 26 2006

Why Some People Almost Always Write Great Post Titles

What are some of the characteristics of people who crank out blog titles that work really well most of the time? Is it something anyone can learn? Yes, and except in very rare c...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 26 2006

Greg Hartnett Comes On For Episode 7 Of Net Income

I got in Monday night about 1AM from Las Vegas and spent most of Tuesday catching up on email and other misc stuff. I shot a email over to my friends Brian and Greg at BOTW to see...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 25 2006

Why the AdWords Landing Page Fiasco Won’t Hurt Bloggers

What a terrible morning it was last week when many Google AdWords advertisers woke up to find that many (if not all) of their sweet low-cost-per-click bids had been disabled, and m...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 23 2006

Link Karma

Ever since the Indie Virus spawned in the Copyblogger comments four months ago, many smart people have concocted their own branded link viruses. Witness Blog Tipping, Link Leak, a...