Copyblogger · Posted Aug 08 2006

Why “Content” Has Become a Dirty Word

The longer I publish online, the more I dislike the word “content.” While marginal material has always been published, the web has really worked to change the definition of “cont...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 07 2006

Link Karma 2: Link Harder

Time for more quality links in the name of achieving good Link Karma, and a fun new game you can play from the comfort of your own home (details at the end of the post). Here we...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 06 2006

DefCon To SES – Some Security Issues

I am on the plane killing time and just thought I would put together some thoughts going through my mind as I transition from DefCon mentality to SES. First of all if any of you...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 05 2006

Get A Invite To One Of The Hottest SES Parties

SeoRockstars Co-Host Greg Boser has posted about a private party one of his clients is having for Speakers and a few attendees on Sunday night. If you are going to be in San Jose S...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 04 2006

Still Not Convinced that Headlines Make All the Difference?

You’ve got to see this then — wisdom from the mouths of geeks about the power of writing great headlines. Apparently some Digger submitted a story about the all too important top...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 04 2006

Adcenter Threatens To Suspend Accounts

So I am here at Defcon in Las Vegas and today I wake up to 4 voice messages from people who say they got emails from adcenter saying their account was going to be suspended if they...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 03 2006

Does the SEO Industry Have a Branding Problem?

It seems that just when search engine optimization (SEO) is finally gaining mainstream mindshare, the game has changed in such a way that might make the industry designation a misn...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 03 2006

viva las vegas (again!)

I arrived at the Lincoln Airport this morning about 6am (suck) and stood in line to check my bag when I saw this yellow container on the table that said “WARNING POISNESS REPTILE”...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 02 2006

Real Life Example – Net Income Episode 8

About a year ago a intarweb friend of mine was going through a tough time in his life. He was going through a divorce and having some financial problems. I had never met him in per...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 01 2006

The True Power of the Blog

If you’ve been reading Copyblogger for awhile, you know that I’m truly amazed at the power of blogs to gain exposure for a small business. While I’ve been producing this type of co...