Copyblogger · Posted Aug 15 2006

Aristotle’s Top 3 Tips for Effective Blogging

Imagine your shock after battling your way through the collective works of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, only to discover you’ve heard a lot of it before. Then, it clic...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 15 2006

Great Advice On Link Building

Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall have posted a new blog post titled 101 Ways to Build Link Popularity. Its one of the most indepth articles on the subject I have ever read. Check it out.
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 15 2006

Net Income Live From San Jose SES 2006

Here is the show from last week Live from the SES Exhibit hall. Thanks to Greg Hartnett for co-hosting with me. It was very good and we had quite the crowd for the live show from...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 14 2006

Whats Membership In A Good Seo BlackHat Forum Worth

On Threadwatch today I saw that blackhat seo has announced on his blog that he is sarting a new exclusive forum for 100$ a month. If been pinged by a few people about this. Here...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 14 2006

Talking About SES With David Naylor On StrikePoint

Today I filled in for Mikkel Demib on the StrikePoint radio show with David Naylor. We recaped on the SES and mostly about the crazy stuff that went on at the parties!! Funny stuff...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 13 2006

How to Link Bait Me

So, I got a head’s up from the proprietor of SEO Black Hat today, letting me know about a “story post” that had been written in accordance with my advice. Of course I dutifully he...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 12 2006

What’s Your Story?

In my last post, I used a story to illustrate that storytelling (which is the most powerful copywriting technique) is also perfectly suited for highly effective blogging. The...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 10 2006

The Most Powerful Blogging Technique There Is

Want to become a more effective, engaging blogger? Of course. But we also want to come across in an authentic, conversational way, and many may be scratching their heads wonder...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 10 2006

Holy Crap Alarms And Machine Guns At The San Jose Airport

My wife, 7 week old baby, business manager and photographer had already flown earlier this morning out and told me to expect 2-3 hour delays for security after the events this morn...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 10 2006

What I Did At San Jose SES 2006

Before SES I had spent the last 4 crazy days in Las Vegas going to sessions and partying pretty good at DefCon. For San Jose I left straight from Las Vegas to San Jose and Rendevou...