Copyblogger · Posted Sep 01 2006

Pez Dispensers and Living the Big Lie

As a follow-up to my last post, I thought it might help to revisit this excerpt from Viral Copy: During eBay’s rapid rise, the company nurtured a quaint rumor about its origins,...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 01 2006 Involved In A Landmark Blog Case – Slander In Comments

I am sorry I have to be so vague but it appears that I am going to be deposition and logs from my blog will be subpoena for use in a case where 1 person slandered another on my blo...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 31 2006

Viral Manipulation for Fame and Profit

While it’s been a hot topic since Hotmail went huge, the buzz about viral marketing has never been stronger thanks to both social media and ubiquitous online video. No doubt every...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 31 2006

Woman Sues Google Adsense And The Scoop On MSN’s Contextual At Jensense

Jen has a great write up about a woman who was banned from Adsense for clicking on her own ads, loses account, then sues Google. Her excuse ? – She wanted to to verify that the a...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 30 2006

Danny Sullivan Canned From SEW/SES – I Am Not Sad To See Him Go

I gotta say I never have been a big fan of the SEW blog posts (just seemed like rehashed news from other sites) and the forum traffic at SEW always seemed to be pretty weak compare...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 29 2006

Awesome 3 days in PA With The PepperJam Execs

If you listen to Net Income then you know who Kris Jones is. Last week Kris invited my developer Dillsmack, and myself to thier headquarters in Wilkes-Barre PA. Kris is the CEO...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 28 2006

No Net Income Tomorrow

Due to the pending hurricane about to hit webmaster radio studios in Florida, there will not be a Net Income show tomorrow.
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 28 2006

eBay Ads are Pretty Hot

I have been running the eBay ads on the right for a bit now and …. I gotta say I am pretty impressed. Its paying about 4x what Adsense or Yahoo Publisher network has ever paid on a...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 28 2006

What If You Could Get A List Of Your Competitors Keywords

What if you could get a list of every word your competitor has been bidding on? How much would that be worth to you? We have been working on some tools to do just that…. someone...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 28 2006

7 Steps to Creating and Selling a Niche Information Product

The announcement of Tubetorial has generated a nice response. Some people want to get involved, hundreds have signed up, and others simply want to know what the initial topics are...