Copyblogger · Posted Sep 08 2006

Why is “Sell” Such a Bad Word?

Sell. Selling. Sales. Not very popular words, are they? Quite frankly, I wasn’t initially sure whether I would be banished from the blogosphere for daring to use the word “...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 08 2006

Paris Hilton – Master Marketer

Since I been here in San Diego every time I turn on the national news like cnn or msnbc or fox news all I see is how Paris Hilton got busted for a DWI…. HOW HOT IS THAT Just when...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 08 2006

David Naylor Gets In On The Contest Goodness

David Naylor has started a competition to guess what Dax’s key is for which is the prize for guessing the correct number of comments on my blog which of course is from my guess the...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 07 2006

Dax Hosts Guess The Comments contest

My friend Dax is hosting a competition over at his site- In team Webguerrilla fashion, I’m going to hop onto this contest by holding one of my own. The person who guesses the nu...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 06 2006

Net Income Season 1 Episode 12 podcast posted

Webmaster radio has posted my newest radio show featuring co-host Andy Hagans. We broke down the top 10 ways to make money online and also took some calls. Thanks again Andy For c...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 06 2006

3 Coercive Copywriting Techniques

I spent some time recently talking about manipulation and lies. I told you those two stories so you could see where I think the line gets crossed by marketers, but also so I coul...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 05 2006

Andy Hagans To Co Host Todays Net Income

On Todays Show I will have link building expert, conference speaker, and search engine marketer Andy Hagans will be co-hosting todays Net Income. Many of you have met Andy at vari...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 04 2006

My Top 10 Worst Ideas To Make Money

I think I am about 5 for 500 when it comes to successful ideas vs flops. I just watched a documentary about my neighbor Warren Buffett and he talked about how you should brag about...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 04 2006

The God Of Money – Thanks Hawaii SEO!

When I was at SES San Jose a few weeks back I met this guy who goes by Hawaii SEO online. He presented me with the God Of Money statue and its been sitting on my desk since I got b...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 02 2006

Why Magnetic Headlines Attract More Readers

Do you know who Nellie Connally is? I do, but that has a lot to do with me being just barely old enough, and because I’ve lived most of my life in Texas. That’s why this New...