Shoemoney · Posted Sep 24 2006

Vote For Vicious Summer

I am not sure how but Vicious Summer is losing this contest… Go vote for her now!
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 24 2006

Seo – Sometimes You Have To Be Evil To Be Good

When I first met Google engineer Matt Cutts a long time ago it was at SES NYC he was sitting with 2 of the most notorious blackhats there are, daveN and ChrisR. Anyway I walked up...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 22 2006

ShoeMoney To Speak At Affiliate Summit West

Jon, Owner of the wickedfire forums talked to me a few days ago about speaking on a panel with him titled “How To Be A Super Affiliate”. Sounds like fun! I said I would do it and t...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 22 2006

Adbrite Making Some Bold Changes

Adbrite has always to me been the “other” alternative in PPC advertising. Now they are changing it up a bit with relevancy and ctr based pricing and all those fancy terms we hear f...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 21 2006

Net Income Episode 13

This episode of Net Income, Jeremy introduces his new co-host, Andrea from Guest: Richard from AffiliateTV is a site that was created from p...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 20 2006

White And Nerdy – LOLLERSKATES

OMFG Welcome back Weird Al The funny thing is he kinda looks like K-Fed
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 20 2006

How to Attract Links and Increase Web Traffic – The Ultimate Guide

Links and traffic… who wants some? The number of excellent resources that have come out since the beginning of the year on attracting links and building traffic has really mushro...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 19 2006

Spamhaus Gets Owned To The Tune Of 11.7 Million Dollars

Spamhaus failed to show at a hearing in Illinois where it had been accused by one David Linhardt, of causing significant harm to his e360insight business, by putting it on an email...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 19 2006

Affiliate TV On Todays Net Income

Today on Net Income we will have Richard Jenkins from Affiliate TV. Also it will be Andreas first show!
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 18 2006

Working On A New Theme

yeaaaaaaaa most of the links are broke…. images dont load… I know most people would do this in a development enviornment but I shoot from the hip so deal with it! and quit emai...