Shoemoney · Posted Oct 03 2006

Net Income 10/3 Linda Buquet

Our Guest Today is Linda Buquet! Linda Buquet, president of is an Affiliate Management Consultant specializing in advertising and PR. She has 15 ye...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 03 2006

Last Post Contest

We have started a last post contest here The winner will get a 250$ Amazon Gift Card code (by email) Basically its a progressive contest where the last person to posts wins… i...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 02 2006

One Year Of Blogging…. Pretty Wild

So its been 1 year since I officially started this blog. As you can see below it went from 758 unique hits a day last year to a whoping 9109 uniq for septemper… Oct is off to a bli...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 02 2006

Basic Email and Contact Policy

There have been a few comments recently about how I am ignoring people or whatever that email me. I get over 40 emails alone through the ajax form a day and well I do ignore a lot...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 02 2006

AzoogleAds Responds Rumors On Wickedfire Forums

Alex, co-founder of AzoogleAds publicly responded on wickedfire forums about them letting 16 people go. He also addresses the actual state of affiliate marketing saying its doubl...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 02 2006

Lost Season 3 Premier Trailer Out

I am SO EXCITED!! This wednesday the new season of Lost starts! (thanks jen for the link)
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 02 2006

10 Steps to a Viral Tutorial That Sells

Can a tutorial attract links and traffic, while selling at the same time? We know that a well-written tutorial that stays strongly focused on benefits to the reader can fly under...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 30 2006

The Key To Being Anti-Social – How To Deal With Diggs, Slashdot, Delicious, ect

We had a few off the wall questions during last weeks radio show about how I deal with digg and the other social networks. Well I have a dedicated server that I use pretty much jus...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 30 2006

Azoogleads On

I got a few AIM’s yesterday and also noticed this thread on wicked fire about Azoogleads being on Quote from 16 gone Rumor has it Azoogle...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 29 2006

How Great Headlines Score Traffic

So, it’s Wednesday morning of this week, and I’m right in the middle of the daily train wreck that occurs as soon as the kids roll out of bed. As I deftly prevent the 18 month ol...