Shoemoney · Posted Oct 06 2006

My Interesting Google Experience

After doing a lot of log analysis I noticed that one site was sending me a ton of traffic that was converting for ringtones. I then did a site target on that site and was pretty mu...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 06 2006

Five of Your Headlines… Remixed

Late last week I asked you fine folks to submit posts that you wanted me to take a look at to see if I could improve on the headline a bit. I ended up with more than 60 submission...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 06 2006

Do You Love Viral Marketing?

Do you? Do you know what the secret to viral marketing is? It’s participation. How a Headline Can Be Link Bait for Bloggers Who Love Viral Marketing. Have a good weekend....
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 05 2006

Linda Buquet – 5staraffiliates – Episode 16 Net Income

On the October 3rd edition of the Episode………. Announcements: I am speaking at affiliate summit west in las vegas. Shawn Collins (host of affiliate summit) to be the guest n...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 05 2006

Google Dumps Supplimental Results

About 20 mins ago I noticed one of my sites that went supplimental now only has about 4,000 indexed pages where it did have about 500,000 but tons of supps. Looks like Google is...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 05 2006

Lost Kicked Ass Last Night

Who all saw Lost last night whats up ? I fricking love the Henry Gayle “Ben” character he TOTALLY NAILS that part. From the beginning of the episode I was glued to the TV. I think...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 05 2006

Best Of The Webs HDTV Promotion

Everybody’s favorite web directory is now offering 15% off on all directory submissions and also a chance to win a fat Plasma HDTV: Check out the details Here
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 04 2006 sending out word for there affiliates

As I said yesterday there was rumors of pulling out of affilaite markets but today they sent out this to affiliates: Dear Affiliate, As you may have heard, the United...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 04 2006

Give Me 3 Minutes and I’ll Make You a Better Blogger

So I’m hanging around an Internet forum the other day. People there are going on about how they “only write for themselves,” and if the reader doesn’t get it “it’s their problem....
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 03 2006 and affiliate programs moving outside of the U.S.

Late last Friday, Congress passed a law aimed at shutting down online gambling in general. This includes online poker in the United States. People are trying to make the case that...