Copyblogger · Posted Oct 18 2006

The History of Link Bait

Woe is me… A reader contacted me after my last post and called me out for using the term “link bait” in it. While he was nice enough, the objection seemed to be that only a sle...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 17 2006

josh koscheck and the ufc fight

The UFC fight was interesting. I think its a lot better on tv honestly. We had great seats but it was still hard to see. I watched the fight tonight on TIVO that I had my wife reco...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 16 2006

Discover the Secret Mind Control Method That Hypnotically Persuades Prospects to Buy… Guaranteed!

Ever see headlines like that one? I’m betting you have. Last week I asked for your feedback on the term “tutorial marketing,” because I began to think that it may be just a bit...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 15 2006

Is Net Neutrality Down for the Count?

I’ve written about the importance of Net neutrality to small businesses and entrepreneurs before, but this time I’ll let Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web, explai...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 13 2006

VIVA Las Vegas UFC 64

I am headed to Las Vegas to go to UFC 64 “Unstopable” live tomorrow night at Mandalay Bay. If anyone gets it on Pay-Per-View keep a eye out for me We have excellent seats (3rd row...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 13 2006

Yahoo Search Marketing 100$ Coupon

EDIT: The Coupon is now for 25$ and not 100$ Woah… Microsoft offers 50$ coupons and now yahoo is offering 100$ coupons! But only for new signups. If you dont see the 100$ coupon...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 13 2006

Affiliate Guru Shawn Collins On Net Income Episode 17

Shawn Collins came on the show last tuesday and we discussed affiliate marketing (mostly geared twords the affiliate side). Thanks to all who called in (the lines were packed ag...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 12 2006

Yeap I got defaced

inbetween 7am and 10am this morning the website looked like this: As soon as I saw it had been defaced I took the server off line (about 10am). Imaged it then had the driv...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 12 2006

What to Do When Your Idea Sucks

Imagine being an author, writing a book and toiling away in solitude. You’ve got a general idea for the overall subject matter that’s good, but of course that idea has to be exec...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 11 2006

Microsoft Adcenter Coupon For Free 50$

On the adcenter blog they have a coupon code for free 50$ for NEW AND EXISTING accounts!!! GOGOGOGOGO NOW NOW NOW its only good for the first 200 people to do it!!!!!!!!!!