Copyblogger · Posted Oct 26 2006

How to Go Out In Style With Your Ending

Once you’ve sucked people in with your headline, entranced them with your opening, and sent them down the slippery slide with each sentence until the conclusion, you may find yours...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 25 2006

$5000 in Free Microsoft Adcenter Coupons

Well I was really surprised to get a message from Microsoft Adcenter this morning that they have minted 100 coupons for 50$ in credits for Microsoft Adcenter. On Friday morning...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 23 2006

Interview on SEOMOZ

I did a interview last week with Geoffrey (G-Man) from SEOMOZ. Check it out here . He asks some great off the wall questions I dont think I had ever been asked in a interview befo...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 23 2006

No Live Show Tomorow

I just got the news webmasterradio is not doing any live shows all week. Bummer. We will try to reschedule Microsoft to come on with there Shoemoney exclusive couplon codes for nex...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 22 2006

Click Fraud Crap

I keep seeing a new story every day about how the paid search placement is UBER F00ked because of all this click fraud…. Whatever…. I am pretty newb to this whole ppc game. I just...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 19 2006

5 reasons merchants love affilaites

I was talking recently with my coder dillsmack about how badass it is to be a merchant right now. You have all these affiliates breaking their back to drive traffic to your site so...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 19 2006

The New Yahoo Search Marketing – Jenstar has Got The Scoop

Over at Jenstar has the most complete writeup I have seen on the “Attending the Yahoo Influencers event for Panama release” event. They picked a great bunch of writers to attend...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 19 2006

seothursdays pubcon drinking game

Seothursday has posted a drinking game for pubcon. He has assigned point to various people and if you buy them a drink you get some many points. Not sure what the end prize is but...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 19 2006

How to Find the Hidden Hook

What’s the secret to finding the remarkable reader benefit that leads to sales, publicity, links or attention? It’s keying in on the right element of the story. Recently, blog...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 18 2006

searchfeed idiots

Here is something hilarious… So the crackheads at after emailed me with several different needs now are trying there best to save face… only since they are such mo...