Copyblogger · Posted Nov 01 2006

7 More Sure-Fire Headline Templates That Work

Since people truly seemed to find my 10 Sure-Fire Headline Templates That Work useful for coming up with headlines and post titles that don’t follow the typical “how to” and “list”...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 31 2006


Rand Fishkin came on the show to join me and andrea. I will post more about the show when the archive is up. Until then I will leave you with this image from the webcam live during...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 31 2006

Elite Retreat December 18-19 San Antonio

I am proud to announce I will be one of the Facilitators at the Elite Retreat. This is a really new and interesting style of conference. This is open to a very select group of peo...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 30 2006

Don’t Take This Advice About Online Marketing!

Advice is a tricky thing, especially when dispensed en masse. The answer to most things, if we’re being honest, is it depends. There are certainly principles that are near univ...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 30 2006

Ernest Hemingway’s Top 5 Tips for Writing Well

Who better? Many business people faced with the task of writing for marketing purposes are quick to say: Hey, I’m no Hemingway! But really, who better than Hemingway to emula...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 28 2006

Omni Sumo Bag From Sumolounge

A few months ago I picked up one of these bad ass Sumo bags. I would call it a beanbag but that doesn’t do it justice. Its like a beanbag for adults. I chill out on it and watch tv...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 28 2006

Finding Your Own Groove

There is a post over at digitalpoint which I thought was really neat. A guy after reading about my experiemnts with ppc was inspired and started to do his own stuff. After trial an...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 28 2006

Correction to the SEOMOZ interview

In the SEOMOZ Interview I was quoted as saying: I have sites (like which have over 4 million users. Also, we launched 2 years ago and it did really we...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 28 2006

FireFox 2.0 Livehttpheaders ShoeMoney Release

I love firefox 2.0 <3 <3 <3 it. The only thing I hate is my favorite extension livehttpheaders doesnt work with it. After doing some research on firefox extensions I fig...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 27 2006

Adcenter 50$ coupon

Ok here you go! The coupon code is ShoemoneyBlog and its good for 50$ Its only valid for new accounts. If you miss out on this one we will also have a code to give out during the...