Copyblogger · Posted Nov 12 2006

The Art of the Joint Venture

Well, the emails have started again. After my last post, several people wrote in wondering what exactly I meant by this: Or you can simply blog to meet cool people with great...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 12 2006

Las Vegas Pubcon 2006

I am pretty excited to be headed to Las Vegas Pubcon! I will be there Monday through Saturday. I love Las Vegas and its going to be the 5th time this year I will be in my favori...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 09 2006

Why People Want to Know What’s In It For *You*

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I harp on one thing over and over: The key to successful copywriting, business blogging and marketing in general is to...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 09 2006

New Adwords Quality Score Bot Aims To Nuke Arbitragers

Its been no secret that Google has been working on launching a new quality score bot. I have read threads about it on pretty much every forum. I have also been getting tons of emai...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 08 2006

Check Out the Official Copyblogger Commercial From Robert Bruce

A gracious gift from Robert Bruce: Video And I also appreciate the public service Loren Feldman of 1938 Media is doing with these web traffic reports: Video Never und...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 07 2006

Does Your Copy Look Spammy?

It’s been interesting this year to watch the intersection (some might say “collision”) of direct response Internet marketing and the blogosphere. Basically you’ve got the purv...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 07 2006

AzoogleAds 2.0 Users First Impressions

I am still on the older AzoogleAds system but I have solicited some peoples opinions on how its working for them. Over at Digitalpoint it seems pretty thumbs down so far but user...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 07 2006

No Live Show Today

Sorry there will be no Live Net Income show today. (unless I can get ahold of someone at webmaster radio asap) I know they are on location at ad:tech and not sure if they are eve...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 06 2006

What Prince Can Teach You About Effective Blogging

Back in 1985, Tipper Gore founded the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), which eventually led to those “Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics” labels we all know and love. Wha...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 03 2006

Seomoz owner Rand Fishkin on Net Income

Last Tuesdays episode featured guest Rand Fishkin. You can listen to it here :