Pretty soon it will be the talk of the internet. is the brainchild of Brad Fallon and Andy Jenkins. Since these two teamed up a few years ago to release Stomping the Sea... you know that Benjamin Franklin never said “A penny saved is a penny earned?” As popular as the saying is, it doesn’t really make sense (or its meaning is not as clear as it... is my presentation from NYC. Unlike Chicago this is about the 6th time I have done public speaking and I felt a lot more comfortable. Still a lot of room for improvement I d... you’re looking for innovative methods of marketing your on-line business, start thinking like an off-line marketer. The tried and true marketing practices employed by traditiona... was speaking to one of my friend/ graphic designer and he said something very intriguing “I need to try to be like you and make making money a hobby”. I was very optimistic abo... of the most important things for a website which hopes to provide good quality support is to be readily contactable and the best way of doing this has been to provide a support...’s going to read your blog unless there’s something in it for them. – Seth Godin Nobody’s going to link to your blog unless there’s something in for them. – Hugh MacLeod... I dunno why the hell I wrote Chicago. Maybe its cause I am going on line 15 hour sleep total since I got here. I uploaded pictures from SES New York so far that my wife too... lost my cellphone last night in the Hilton lounge. There was a little bruhaha in the lounge and we got kicked out… I got back to my room and realized I did not have my phone… wha... was a sad day at my company, many of my friends and employees were laid off. Fortunate for me I am one of the survivors. This puts my mind to full gear when I say I am dedica... © 2024. All rights reserved