Copyblogger · Posted Nov 27 2006

The Five Essential Elements of an Influential Blog

What makes a blog influential? Influence is often attributed to traffic and readership levels. But in reality, those are actually benefits that are symptomatic of something that...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 27 2006

Its Cyber Monday Baby!! How Are Your Sales?

Yay its Cyber Monday again! What is Cyber Monday? Its the biggest online shopping day of the year. (The first working day after thanksgiving). Shopping is definitely up this yea...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 26 2006

ShoeMoneyAds eBay Ads With New Features

Last Week in Las Vegas we met with some eBay people and ran a few things by them that are some features that users have been requesting and some other stuff we wanted to do for a b...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 25 2006

End Of 2006 Conference Schedule

Between conferences and holidays my blogging is probably going to come to a very slow pace in the next 6 weeks. Here is my conference schedule: Ses Chicago IL, December 4-7 2006...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 25 2006

UkGimp Interview Posted

I did a interview late last night with UkGimp. Its already posted here. Thanks Gimpy. UkGimp has a very nice looking blog over there check it out
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 23 2006

Our Private Table At Binions

Thanks Brent for posting this video! Its us playing poker at Binions Casino in Las Vegas. It was just a friendly game I think at most there were a few thousand in chips in play on...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 23 2006

Things I am thankful for this year

So 1 year ago I made a post containing things I am thankful for. Not a whole lot has changed except for 1 addition to our family. This year I am most thankful for our new baby gi...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 22 2006

Cloaking Landing Pages, Pubcon Recap and much more

Last nights Net Income has now been posted. Thanks to Cshel and Shandyking for co-hosting a great show. We talked a lot about Pubcon coverage. It was great to get Cshels perspect...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 22 2006

SEOthursdays Pubcon Drinking Game Wild Cards

Here are your WildCards for Pubcon Drinking Contest: Rand Fishkin Andrew Goodman Michael Gray Kris Farmer Jake Baillie Hats off to for a great c...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 22 2006

Five Reasons Why the List Post is Dead

I’ve finally seen the light. Some of the wiser members of the blogosphere have convinced me… The list post is dead. Never mind 100 years of tested headline psychology and the...