Shoemoney · Posted Dec 06 2006

Accusations Of Google Funding Terrorism

I was pretty nervous to be a part of this panel that reviewed the data and was on stage presenting our findings to the world live. I spent hours going over it to make sure what I...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 06 2006

How to Write Exquisite Subheads

Something terrible is happening to your reader… You’ve hooked them with your headline, and captivated them with your opening. But this is a longer piece of writing. You’ve got...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 06 2006

The Passion Of David Naylor

So you guys might have seen the passion of christ where jesus gets beat up for days but you haven’t seen the passion of David Naylor where I kick his ass in thumb wrestling time af...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 06 2006

Garbitrage – Affiliate issues panel

Kris Jones coined a new phrase at the affiliate issues panel at SES. It was a pretty heated panel as promised Tim Daly (Google apologist) took most of the heat. I finally figure...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 06 2006

Contextual Advertising – The Real Deal

Today I gave my presentation at Chicago SES on Contextual Advertising. I talked about how I started and when I stopped. I also talked about the grey area of contextual advertisin...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 06 2006

Jason Calacanis keynote at ses chicago

Today started off going to the keynote hearing Jason Calacanis speak. People are reporting that he said that “seo is bullshit”. This is retarded. He never said that. What he said...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 05 2006

The Top 10 Blogs for Writers

Michael Stelzner of Writing White Papers recently opened up nominations for the best blogs for writers. I watched to see if anyone would nominate me, and at first wasn’t sure it w...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 04 2006

Copywriting Case Study: Aaron Wall’s

As I promised a while back, we’re going to take a look at how presentation and organization of sales copy can make a big difference not only in how your sale page is perceived, but...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 04 2006

News Flash – People Are Gaming Digg!

It has to be true. I read it on CNET. It still amazes me that this type of stuff is a surprise to anyone. Why do people assume that “social” media is some sort of utopia, when...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 04 2006

$100.00 If You Can Beat Me In Thumb Wrestling

I don’t think I have ever blogged about his but like I am pretty good at thumb wrestling. For those here in Chicago at SES if you think you can beat me step up and if you do I wil...