Copyblogger · Posted Jan 04 2007

Introducing the A*I*D*A Formula for Blogging

Attention Interest Desire Action It’s an advertising formula from way back, and as Tom Chandler points out, it’s the copywriter’s best friend. But what about bloggers? W...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 04 2007

Speaking of Search Engines…

Lee Odden of the Online Marketing Blog has put together a fantastic resource list of his Must Read Search Marketing Blogs, and has provided an OPML file so you can download all 250...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 03 2007

Adbrite To Start Doing Video Ads

Yesterday during my radio show in the webmasterradio chat room Adbrite Kevin Messaged me that they are testing video ads. Here is the link
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 03 2007

The Last 3 Shows Of Net Income

The last 2 shows of Net Income have some great guests you will not want to miss. Jan 9th – Matt Mullenweg Not sure who Matt is? Check his wiki. This episode will also be co-hos...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 03 2007

How to Create Content That Ranks Well in Search Engines

Once upon a time, there was something called SEO copywriting. These SEO copywriters seemed to have magical word skills that allowed them to place just the right keywords in just...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 02 2007

Episode 23 – Net Income Talks Black With SeoBlackHat QuadZilla

SeoBlackhat came on for our 23rd episode of Net Income. I think it was one of the best shows we have ever done. You can listen below or click 1. here
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 01 2007

2006 Google Analytic Statistics

2006 is my first year of blogging. Of the 415 posts on 412 of them happened in 2006 ;). Also in 2006 there were a total of 6978 approved comments and 59,557 spam com...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 01 2007

New Black Shoemoney Shirts

So we have some new VIP ShoeMoney Shirts for Affiliate Summit. These contain no RL Spam (rl spam means real live spam like they have urls on them). I only had 200 of them printed...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 31 2006

I Hate Gambling Money In The Stock Market

*sorry I am going to get off on a rant here* My wife has it setup that every month a huge chunk is taken out of our bank accounts and automatically goes into this brokerage accou...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 30 2006

5 Things You Won’t See on Copyblogger in 2007

1. Linkbait. This blog is entirely about creating compelling content. In that regard, I don’t see the point of using the term link bait any longer. You’re either writing exciti...