Copyblogger · Posted Jan 07 2007

The 5 Essential Elements of Search Engine Keyword Research

Keyword research is cool. It allows you to gaze directly into people’s minds. Being able to take a look at the words and phrases people use when looking for things online is in...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 07 2007

Matt Mullenweg – WordPress Creator On This Weeks Net Income

WordPress creator and the internet’s #1 Matt (according to google) – Matt Mullenweg will be on this weeks episode of Net Income. This episode will also be co-hosted by Best Of The...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 07 2007

MyBlogLog Marketing Contest – Microsoft Zune Vs Nicole

In a effort to build a large MyBlogLog community, Andy Beal, offered up a Microsoft Zune media player as a prize to random member of his community. Now I had joined my bloglog a...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 07 2007

New Lost Season 3 Spoiler Trailor Part 2

ALERT Lost fans season 3 part 2 starts up in a few weeks and spoilerbuzz has the new exclusive promo up. I had goose bumps watching this I am so frickin excited for lost to start a...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 06 2007

The Death of the Long Copy Sales Letter

If you ever wanted to take a peek at the premise of the Tubetorial business model, you’re in luck. While 2006 was the year online video went big, 2007 will be the year when we all...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 06 2007

My Official Predictions For 2007

Now is a good time to release this. Its 6 days into the New Year everyone has pretty much made there predictions lists and linked to everyone else’s so now would be a good time to...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 05 2007

Neil Patel Visits, PlanetAndrea, Awards, Christmelicious, Hired New Person

First of all I want to say thank god the holidays are over and the world is working again. U lazy bastards need to get back to it! Neil Patel, after reading Aarons Wall’s blog p...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 04 2007

Would You Hire Matt Cutts?

From one of Matts posts I recently got the impression that he might be getting a little sour taste in his mouth from the Google Kool-Aid and possibly looking for a change from Goog...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 04 2007

The Webmasterradio gig

from the previous post I think people thought I was quiting or leaving webmasterradio. The deal is when I signed on I agreed to do 26 shows. I have 3 more to do then my contract is...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 04 2007

Matt Cutts/SEOMOZ Take Home Gold At The 2006 Search Engine Journal Awards

Just edging out Danny Sullivan by 4 votes Matt Cutts takes home the trophey from Search Engine Journal For Best Search Blogger Of 2006 (NoteToSelf: Tell Loren come up with a cool n...