This is the first post from Digg power user Muhammad Saleem, who will be offering tips about creating content that appeals to users of social media news sites. Back in January, E... night I was listening to Perry Marshall and Ari Galper webinar, speaking about “The Death of the Sales Letter.” This was very interesting because they state the internet is be... the AuctionAds blog there is a nice post written by one of the staff writers about taking the “10 day challenge” with AuctionAds. Basically the challenge is to run AuctionAds in... in the last 2 days since making the video I have been interviewed by 7 news publications and some radio shows. Its defiantly hit the mainstream. Now lets see if any of them... here is something juicy… When doing pay-per-click every seems to think it stops with keywords. Here is a small little trick that we have been using since it launched. What is... don’t usually do things like this, but this is too delicious. Here’s an email I just received from someone named Tami Queen: Countless accounts of “PR Flaks” who have spammed... weekend was a very chilly weekend, the weather here in New Jersey is very confusing. I feel like the environment here is confused on what weather to output. One day it will be... I was really let down by the heroes season finale.. what did you guys think? I can tell you LOST will not be a disappointment on weds! Hilton – (formally The “Gangsta of Gossip”) now the “Queen Of All Media” was on Geraldo at large yesterday. Cheers Perezito nice work! Perez Hilton’s site has now become the... week I am going to work on a series called tips for success. I was going to start it monday but Neil wrote a great post about how a marketer is only as good as their programme... © 2024. All rights reserved