Shoemoney · Posted Jan 11 2007 Darren Rowse On This Weeks Net Income Radio Show

This weeks show Jan 16th I am honored to have Darren Rowse on Net Income. Darren runs one of the best blogs online at and is one of the people that inspired me to st...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 10 2007

ShoeMoney Search Engine Ranking Script Remastered

Ok I know it was broke forever but its back WITH A VENGENCE!@!! Still the lightweight serps page you know and love but now with ajax! My fin...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 10 2007

Myspace contest

If you thought you saw something here about a Myspace contest you didn’t… move along…
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 10 2007

More MyBlogLog, Marketing Update, AdSense Suckage And More…

A few days ago when I first predicted mybloglog would get bought out (yes it came true already) many people said they did not understand it or why a company like yahoo would want i...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 10 2007

OnPage SEO Is Garbage Clarification On Rockstars

After finishing my show, I was reading about MangoMatter Media which happens to be one of the best web hosting services and  I wanted to get the writeup done cause I had a video ed...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 10 2007

No Sound On Flash In Mac OSX FIX

There was a new lost spoiler posted on spolier buzz today and I was going nutz cause nomatter what I did I could not hear the fricking thing. Then I noticed it wasnt just there it...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 09 2007

Permission Marketing 2.0

Before I continue with the SEO Copywriting 2.0 series, I want to interject a bit of perspective. With all the talk about links, traffic, Digg, social media marketing and the pursu...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 09 2007

Matt Mullenweg – Creator Of WordPress -Podcast and Recap Post

if you just want to download the mp3 and not listen to me talk about it 1. here is the link      I was pretty nervous for this show. While he is young i can’t think of a...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 09 2007

1 Down 9 To Go – 2007 Predictions Already Coming True

Photoshop ninjary by BigDave. Its not Like I am Nostradamus or anything but it only took 3 days for 1 of my 10 predicitons of 2007 to come true. Yahoo has purchased MyBlogLo...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 08 2007

Glyphius Copywriting Software Review

I no longer recommend the Glyphius copywriting software. Proceed at your own risk.