Shoemoney · Posted Jan 24 2007

George Bush – Great President Or Greatest President Ever?

Please read this post first before commenting. This was a 1 hour case study on political link bait. I watched the state of the union last night and wow… amazing. Even Nancy Pelo...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 24 2007

Going to Paypal, Ameritrade, and other cool venues

Very cool stuff. Getting back and going through emails I see there are a lot of companies that are welcoming a tour of our group! Not only does Paypal, Ameritrade, Omaha Steaks and...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 24 2007

I been busy yo!

Man all you guys who email me asking why I don’t respond to your email or add you as a MySpace friend or on my Xbox friends (I havent even played xbox for over 2 months i think =(...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 23 2007

Myspace Suing 50 Affiliates Seeking Minimum 20 million In Damages

Scott Richter is telling people here at Affiliate Summit that not only is MySpace suing him but also they are suing over 50 other companies AND affiliates.
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 23 2007

Super Affiliates Q&A At Affiliate West

Yesterday I was on a “Super Affiliates Q&A” panel at the Affiliate Summit West. Also on the panel was JonF and Andrew Johnson. It started off really weird… Our moderator neve...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 23 2007

MySpace Goes After Affiliate Network CPA Empire

Scott Richter, one of the most successful spammers high volume email deployers ever, was named in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles court last Friday. In the suit MySpace claims:...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 23 2007

The Benefits of a Holistic Approach to Social Media Marketing

It came as quite a shock to see Performancing abruptly shut down its advertising network yesterday. Since I often chat with Chris Garrett and Nick Wilson about various things, I’v...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 22 2007

Who Is The Godfather Of Search

I was doing some taping with a national radio show this week and I forget how it came up but I asked him if he knew who Danny Sullivan was and of course he did and I said well you...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 22 2007

Announcing the Elite Retreat San Francisco!

After the enormous success of the San Antonio Elite Retreat we are proud to announce the next Elite Retreat will be taken place March 19-20 in San Fransisco. The Elite Retreat is T...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 19 2007

2006 Was The Year Of Ringtones – 100,000 Ringtone Leads

Its been over 6 months since I have done anything really different in the ringtone industry so I thought it was time to sell off some websites that were driving leads. Of course th...