Shoemoney · Posted Jan 26 2007

Neil Patel And His Magic Gum At Affiliate Summit West

At affiliate Summit Neil Patel had this pack of gum that shocked the crap out of you when you tried to take a piece. It was so funny I about pissed myself. I am pretty immature ab...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 26 2007

Somebody Buy Performancing Already

Just a few days after former CEO Nick Wilson stepped down and proclaimed Chris Garrison as the new future of Perfomancing now Chris has jumped off the ship too. Is anyone left on b...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 26 2007

Haters, Comments, and Paid Postings – Late Monday Questions

ShoeMoney it seems like your haters are increasing. It seems like once a week I see a new shoemoney is a scam or ShoeMoney sucks website. How do you deal with that? I would hope...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 26 2007

Copeac Intermark Media T Shirts and Final Thoughts On Affiliate Summit West 2007

Affiliate Summit West 2007 was very interesting. I had only been to SES and Pubcons before and never to an Affiliate Summit. The volume of people was pretty amazing. I have never...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 26 2007

Dave Naylor Or ShoeMoney

Here is a funny post I ran across… On Search Marketing Gurus Li did a post called the “Women Of The Internet”. Anyway one of the women she interviews is the web moxy herself Beck...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 25 2007

SEO Copywriting Techniques That Readers Love

While the reaction to your content off-page has become the critical determining factor when it comes to search engine rankings, your targeted keyword phrase should still appear on...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 25 2007

I Am Selling Domains For Charity

EDIT: I had to restart the FRICKIN AUCTION cause I put and not .org in the title grrrrr it was up to like 400$ after the first 6 hours. Sucks to cancel the auction and r...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 24 2007

Linkbaiting: Vote Yes or No This Week Only

Coming into the New Year, I resolved not to use the term “linkbait” any longer. Linkbait is simply compelling content that’s remarkable, and in social media the remark is mostly m...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 24 2007

Vote For Jen

WTF my friend Jen from only has 2% of the vote on Andy Beals “Queen Of Search” contest. Cmon guys show them who is the best. Vote for jen here (make sure you scroll...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 24 2007

Comment and Link Baiting For 1 Hour – A Case Study

I was talking to a good friend about Technorati and how I feel they are really dropping the ball. Anyway the conversation had led to discussing the Technorati top 100. My friend me...