Shoemoney · Posted Feb 09 2007

Anna Nicole Smiths Baby Daddy

Ok seriously. I have not seen a mystery like this since the whole who shot J.R. Ewing. And I am probably showing my age with that… So who do you think the father of Anna Nicole S...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 09 2007

Google Sublistings For

I have seen these on my SEO’d out large scale sites with proper css and line item menus but I was pretty surprised when I someone emailed me this today: Anyone know what cause...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 09 2007

Measuring Web Site Brand Loyalty

There is a free (from what I can tell) webinar titled – “Quantifying how Consumer Product Websites contribute to the Bottom Line” which talks about branding and the internet… this...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 09 2007

Calacanis Plays SEO People Like A Fiddle

I am just amazed at how well Jason Calacanis plays the SEO industry. For a industry that likes to call out linkbait …… wow… Calacanis just reeled in a ton of links fish Just thi...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 09 2007

Greywolf Local Search, CSM Flop, SkyRadioNet – This Weeks Interviews

Grey Wolf has been interviewing a bunch of people this week about Local Search. Today he posted my interview. Check it out here I also did a interview with Benjamin Arnoldy of t...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 08 2007

Differentiate Your Blog or Die

What’s the key to standing out in the crowded blogosphere? More importantly, will standing out actually lead to long-term success? Let’s take a stroll down marketing history la...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 08 2007

Seo Is So Easy – Oh Wait No Its Not

Today was the day I was subpoenaed and had to give testimony. It was really interesting. I have never done that before. I had to answer a lot of questions about how search engine r...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 08 2007

To Catch A Person Trying To Catch A Predator

Warning this is a ShoeMoney Deep thought post… Its just something that went through my mind. Try not to take it to seriously… <deepthought> As I was watching NBC’s To Catch...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 06 2007

Do You Digg This Headline?

One evening back in early January, I got hit by a flurry of incredulous instant messages wondering how we managed to get a certain Tubetorial video to the Digg home page. The vide...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 06 2007

Google Adwords Arrow Trick To Increase Click Through Rates

A few Mondays ago I answered this question where I revealed a little trick I like to use in my Adwords adcopy that makes my ads make a little arrow with the keywords like this: W...