Shoemoney · Posted Feb 22 2007

Banned From MyBlogLog

I have been banned from MyBlogLog… Since last night every page I visit on their site results in a 403 (Forbidden) error code. I have asked others and nobody else seems to get the...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 21 2007

Let Cicero Build You a Sticky Blog

If you wish to persuade me, you must think my thoughts, feel my feelings, and speak my words. – Roman Statesman Cicero More than simply speaking to our audience, we need to con...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 21 2007

MyBlogLog Trick – How To Surf The Web As ShoeMoney

In this weeks MyBlogLog hack of the week we show you how to surf the web as other MyBlogLog members. This one is really pretty simple. If you are using Firefox just open up your...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 20 2007

11 Reasons Why OpenID Rocks/Sucks

I’ve had some interesting conversations with people lately regarding OpenID. What is OpenID? It’s 1 login/password for every site that supports it. As you may have noticed we’ve...
Copyblogger · Posted Feb 20 2007

Are You Leaving Your Readers Out of the Conversation?

We know that one of the most important words we can use in blogging is you, so our copy should be squarely focused on the reader. And we also know we need to identify just who exa...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 20 2007

CPA Empire and Mobile Sidewalk Team Up On Ringtone Fraud

The reason people HATE ringtone affilaite marketers is because they signup through some sketchy affiliate who promises “Free” ringtones so they put in their phone number and get th...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 19 2007

Britney Shears, SEOMOZ Comparison, Keywords, and Myspace Contest

Sorry this weeks Monday Questions was so late to be posted. I am busy with some projects. I also will probably be cutting back on posting this week. Shoe – off the wall quest...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 18 2007

Another Mybloglog Exploit – This One A Little More Harmful

You know how when you goto peoples websites it knows your there? That is because of your cookie. Unfortunately that same cookie can also be used for a cross site script basically m...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 18 2007

O rly AGLOCO AllAdvantage – Final Day Of Company Rants

Well I think I am off my period now cause I just do not feel like ranting. I was going to rage a little on this Agloco company but as I was doing research they are not as evil as I...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 17 2007

How To Remove/Uninstall Internet Explorer 7

fun fun fun I just spent the last 30 mins trying to figure out how to uninstall internet explorer 7 from my pc after finding out its incompatable with the few applications I even k...