Shoemoney · Posted Feb 27 2007

Jenna Jameson How Ugly Have You Become

Seriously I saw you at the oscars with your loser boyfriend Tito Ortiz (ya my boy Liddell whooped you YET AGAIN). WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND PUNK! Seriously Jenna wtf? Why do...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 27 2007

How To Buy Stumbles From Stumbleupon NOT

Being that stumbleupon was the single biggest referer of traffic in January I thought I would buy some more stumbles and report on what I found. So far I have found buying stumbles...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 26 2007

Reccurring Subscriptions Rock & Things To Think About Before Implementing It

My favorite form of revenue is reccurring subscription revenue. Why? Passive income – This means you can be sitting on a beach or sleeping and your income stream does not chang...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 25 2007

Top Commenters On The SideBar

If you notice on the right hand side I added a top commenters. I wrote this wordpress plugin last night. It basically gives a link (not nofollow) to the top 10 commenters over the...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 24 2007

Accepting MyBlogLog’s Apology

MyBlogLog has apologized for banning me. A lot of people I respect immensely have written in to tell me that I screwed up, and after a point, it becomes impossible to avoid th...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 24 2007

9 Random Tips On Being A Successful Online Marketer

Some random thoughts been going through my mind lately I have been meaning to put down somewhere. Here seems like a good place. Here is some of the things I seem to be saying a lot...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 24 2007

Whats Going On With The ShoeMoney Blog

In the next month we are changing designs and changing the focus off of me on this blog. ShoeMoney is really more then a person its like a way of doing business. This blog has tu...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 23 2007

Proxybid Last Nights Guest Speaker At NPMMO

Originally I got the idea to form this group after meeting people all over the country at conferences that were from the Omaha/Nebraska area. What was comical was that I would meet...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 23 2007

Last Words On MyBlogLog

This is the last post I will make mentioning MyBlogLog. I have many friends at Yahoo Search Marketing and Yahoo Publisher Network and they have reached out to me and said the few i...
Shoemoney · Posted Feb 23 2007

MyBlogLog Tracks Your Visitors Ad Clicks

I know we said we’d never mention MyBlogLog again, but that was before this discovery. Maybe all the recent MBL exploits recently didn’t bother you. Maybe they seemed trivial....