Copyblogger · Posted Mar 07 2007

Let’s Remix a Few More of Your Headlines

Last fall, I invited readers to submit posts they had written, and I chose several and rewrote the titles. Quite a few people seemed to get a lot out of that process, so rather tha...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 07 2007

Inventor Seeks Funding For Energy Machine From AdSense Publishers

I doubt you will see this new startup on techcrunch…. Just about to board the plane here in St. Louis on my way home I was sorting some email and came across this…. Its the firs...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 07 2007

Earners Forum Adds New Flare

Earners Forum, The fast up and coming web forums for people making money online, has had a face lift and added new features: Articles Section:
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 06 2007

Auction Ads Launches

In the beginning…there was ShoeMoneyAds. Our affiliate system was designed so that users could insert their ad links and then display contextual ads. We built upon this foundatio...
Copyblogger · Posted Mar 05 2007

Five Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Dumb

One thing blogging and good copywriting share is a conversational style, and that means it’s fine to fracture the occasional rule of proper grammar in order to communicate effectiv...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 05 2007

Affiliate Summit Videos, Shoutouts, and Light Posting

EDIT – Sorry this post was so halfass. I was trying to get out the door and also I removed the link to copyblogger cause his site was down… its up now… carry on… I am traveling...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 05 2007

Webmasterworlds Cloaked Content Has The SEO Natives Restless

Matt Cutts made a post A Quick Word About Cloaking basically what I got out of it is that webmasterworld is cloaking content to googlebot and they are under investigation. This is...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 04 2007

Link Building Examples – Links From Authority Blogs

I know its so cool to call anything and everything link bait now adays but to me its all link building. Check out these 2 latest awesome examples of link building. Bloggers Fac...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 04 2007

UFC 68 – Randy Couture Regains Heavyweight Title

How awesome was it to see Randy Couture regain the heavyweight title at age 43? This was the first UFC that every fighter I wanted to win did so. Matt Hughes dominated and also Ri...
Shoemoney · Posted Mar 03 2007

Working On Some New Stuff

So if the site looks weird… that is why.