I enjoyed my Independance Day, and I hope you have as well. Tonight I was checking my email and I have so much to go through today that I skipped some in the past couple days. I se...
ianfernando.com/2007/777-does-...Take a break from blogging and enjoy the barbeque’s, spend time with family, and take time off from blogging. As you can see on the main page I have added a special affects to the...
ianfernando.com/2007/happy-4th...This is a expansion on marks article today on weblog tools collection: Check this link See all the peoples wordpress directory’s that are open for public browsing? eek! Why is...
shoemoney.com/2007/07/03/watch...“Oh, the humanity …” The folks at SilverPop recently published a study, “Eight Seconds to Capture Attention: Silverpop’s Landing Page Report”, where it reviewed the email campaig...
copyblogger.com/how-crappy-lan...With MyBlogLog being very spammy, I have decided to join Blog Catalog. My first impression of Blog Catalog is its interface, the red and blue blends in so nicely once you land on t...
ianfernando.com/2007/blog-cata...What we thought would be a subscription to FeedBurner Pro is now Free! Feeds are very useful to the great number of people who like keeping track of their favorite blogs or website...
ianfernando.com/2007/feedburne...Neil Patel came on this weeks addition of Net Income. Being Saturday I am leaving for Affiliate Summit and really had nothing better to talk about I thought I would invite Neil on...
shoemoney.com/2007/07/03/affil...I went with my wife the other night to see Knocked Up. I have to say this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It was as funny as the 40 year old virgin but had a story I c...
shoemoney.com/2007/07/02/knock...This next week July 7th – July 12th I will be in Miami for the Affiliate Summit. I am looking for some people to do a few guest posts. If you are interested write something up tha...
shoemoney.com/2007/07/02/would...OK, so maybe it’s not that sexy. But it’s more important than you might think, and it can definitely make your content more appealing. In fact, formatting your content can be jus...
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