Shoemoney · Posted Apr 25 2007

Booth Babe Contest – AdTech Update

So I thought it would be fun to get my pic with all the booth babes and have a poll on who thought what company had the best booth babes (also known as booth bunnies). You can se...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 25 2007

Live @ AdTech And WebMasters On The Roof

I am having a really great time at AdTech meeting a lot of new people. Its really a different conference then any of the others. One thing that stuns me is all the affiliate/seo/cl...
Ian Fernando · Posted Apr 24 2007

Forum Link Building tips (it’s not just your signature!)

Remember I stated that forums are a great way to gather information? Well I found a great source of information at DigitalPoint forums, that I would like to share with you. I use f...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 24 2007

Not Banned From Yahoo Publisher Network

Evidently some people got the impression from my presentation that I had been banned by Yahoo Publisher Network. This is not the case. They just informed me that my traffic was con...
Copyblogger · Posted Apr 24 2007

Do You Have an Enemy? Here’s Why You Need to Find One

Seriously, it’s time to find a good enemy. Not sure why? Effective marketing in a low-trust world means developing a bond with your prospects through your content marketing. One...
Ian Fernando · Posted Apr 23 2007

Creating Information: First Official eBook

Whew, what a nice weekend I had, but I was in development of creating my first official eBook. But I have made several ebooks in the past, ranging from MySpace tutorials to Cellula...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 22 2007

Had My Way With A Chocolate Fountain

My wife had a catered party on Saturday throwing a shower for a work coleague. After they left I had my way with chocolate fountain. It started with my fingers…. then before I know...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 22 2007

If You Want To Sell Me On Your Product

I get SO turned off when I read companies fluff crap. Just last week this web hosting company cold called me (ballsy but hey whatever) and literally sold me on there service in und...
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 22 2007

Off To AdTech San Francisco

Ok I am off to Ad:Tech San Francisco. I will be pimping AuctionAds at the Text-Link-Ads Booth. Come up and say hi!
Shoemoney · Posted Apr 21 2007

What Magazines Do You Read

I got pinged by Andy Beal asking “what magazines I read” ? I read cover to cover: Playboy WiredDomainer < -- this one is new but it kicks a$$ Php Architect < -- my favor...