Copyblogger · Posted May 14 2007

Do Your Metaphors Rock?

I’m looking California, and feeling Minnesota… That metaphor is from the 1991 Soundgarden song Outshined, written by front man Chris Cornell. He shared an interesting anecdote a...
Shoemoney · Posted May 14 2007

Mike Jones – Pepperjam Search COO

For those of you who have not met the COO and Legal Council for PepperJam Search – Mike Jones – He is featured on Pepperjams employee of the week or whatever its called Seriousl...
Shoemoney · Posted May 14 2007

Sprint Makes Me Feel Like There Is Hope

Lately it seems like I have been ranting about companies and not really giving props to those that do things right. Well when I lost my phone in New York City I was super super sup...
Shoemoney · Posted May 14 2007 – Worst Domain Registrar Ever

I hate seriously they have to be the worst ever domain registrar. Years ago (like 6) I used them to register domains back when they were 70$ for 2 years. I only have a...
Copyblogger · Posted May 13 2007

Why You Are Always Selling With Your Blog

At the beginning of the year I wrote a post about the classic AIDA advertising formula and how it could be applied to a blog post when you want readers to take some form of action....
Shoemoney · Posted May 12 2007

Ulitimate traffic bait – Internet Porno Stats

check out this video which came out last Tuesday… 220k views already. It discloses a bunch of “statistics” about internet porn. Who knows if they are real but…. quite the traffic b...
Ian Fernando · Posted May 11 2007

Free Internet Marketing Videos

I was cleaning out my favorites today and I noticed a bookmark that I haven’t visited in a while called Free Internet Marketing Seminars. These free videos are great since they c...
Shoemoney · Posted May 11 2007

ToolBarn – Free Shirt Friday

Yesterday I got a package from that contained this wicked cool shirt and also a gray t-shirt. Toolbarn frickin rocks. If you dont know about toolbarn they are one...
Shoemoney · Posted May 11 2007

Adtech Blog Showcases Hot Chicks From This Years Show

The official adtech blog has a great article on the beautiful women from this years AdTech. Although no mention of the booth babe competition is mentioned in the article I did ge...
Ian Fernando · Posted May 10 2007

Web 2.0, What is it?

The first Internet Reality show is very intriguing, that I decided to write an article about Web 2.0. What is web 2.0? Is it changing the internet? Is it changing the way we will b...