Ian Fernando · Posted May 22 2007

Ari Galper: The Death of the Sales Letter – Webinar

Last night I was listening to Perry Marshall and Ari Galper webinar, speaking about “The Death of the Sales Letter.” This was very interesting because they state the internet is be...

Shoemoney · Posted May 22 2007

AuctionAds 10 Day Challenge

On the AuctionAds blog there is a nice post written by one of the staff writers about taking the “10 day challenge” with AuctionAds. Basically the challenge is to run AuctionAds in...

Shoemoney · Posted May 22 2007

AdSense Arbitrage Media Coverage

Well in the last 2 days since making the video I have been interviewed by 7 news publications and some radio shows. Its defiantly hit the mainstream. Now lets see if any of them...

Shoemoney · Posted May 22 2007

Pay Per Click Targeting Tools – TFS Day 2

Ok here is something juicy… When doing pay-per-click every seems to think it stops with keywords. Here is a small little trick that we have been using since it launched. What is...

Copyblogger · Posted May 22 2007

Check Out This Spam From a PR Flak

I don’t usually do things like this, but this is too delicious. Here’s an email I just received from someone named Tami Queen: Countless accounts of “PR Flaks” who have spammed...

Ian Fernando · Posted May 21 2007

SPAM at my Door Step

This weekend was a very chilly weekend, the weather here in New Jersey is very confusing. I feel like the environment here is confused on what weather to output. One day it will be...

Shoemoney · Posted May 21 2007

Heroes Season 1 Finale – meh…..

Man I was really let down by the heroes season finale.. what did you guys think? I can tell you LOST will not be a disappointment on weds!

Shoemoney · Posted May 21 2007

Perez Hilton On Geraldo At Large

Perez Hilton – (formally The “Gangsta of Gossip”) now the “Queen Of All Media” was on Geraldo at large yesterday. Cheers Perezito nice work! Perez Hilton’s site has now become the...

Shoemoney · Posted May 21 2007

You’re Only As Good As Your Team – TFS Day 1

This week I am going to work on a series called tips for success. I was going to start it monday but Neil wrote a great post about how a marketer is only as good as their programme...

Copyblogger · Posted May 21 2007

Did Alanis Morissette Get Irony Right?

Many people struggle with irony in their writing, despite the media fable that everyone born after 1965 lives a life so deeply entrenched in irony that we can’t handle a direct ass...
