Shoemoney · Posted May 24 2007

AuctionAds Rotating Keywords

over on the AuctionAds Blog there is a post with a tip with keywords. The just of it is you can easily rotate between your keywords just by using a semi colon. Did you know that...
Shoemoney · Posted May 24 2007

Prioritize Profitable Projects – TFS Day 4

As I have discussed before I have pretty bad Attention Deficit Disorder. Its never been clinically diagnosed but anyone who has spent time around me, talking to me, or even hearing...
Copyblogger · Posted May 24 2007

Winning Copy Appeals to Basic Instincts

How do you get somebody to do what you want them to? You can just ask of course. That will work with some people. A more successful approach though is to appeal to their human na...
Shoemoney · Posted May 24 2007

John Reese Interviews ShoeMoney

If there is a rev pimpdaddy of making money online its John Reese. John interviewed me recently. I originally met John at Ad:Tech San Francisco and we hit it off right away. Its c...
Ian Fernando · Posted May 23 2007

The Secret TV – Empowering Thought

I was browsing YouTube for marketing tips and strategies and I found this 2 minute movie. It is very interesting, pay close attention to the words, and if you want speak them to yo...
Ian Fernando · Posted May 23 2007

Google Trends is on Fire

You probably already know about Google Trends, if not you should know about it. Google trends, takes I believe 6 years of search history and turns it into a graphical interface to...
Shoemoney · Posted May 23 2007

Microsoft Adcenter Live On The ShoeMoney Show

Next week, Tuesday, May 29th, Microsoft Adcenter will be live on the ShoeMoney aka Net Income Radio Show on Webmaster Radio. If you have questions you can call in, or ask them belo...
Shoemoney · Posted May 23 2007

Know Your Goals – TFS Day 3

Knowing your goal is the probably one of the most important things when running a website. When people attend the Elite Retreat or when I do consultations (very rarely) the first...
Shoemoney · Posted May 23 2007

PC + Mac Commercial – Spoof

I am a mac user and found this pretty hilarious. Kind of amplifies the age old debate of windows being used in business and for playing games where macs are used for creativity and...
Copyblogger · Posted May 23 2007

Is it OK to Write for Digg?

This is the first post from Digg power user Muhammad Saleem, who will be offering tips about creating content that appeals to users of social media news sites. Back in January, E...