Shoemoney · Posted Jun 04 2007

Make Progress Every Day – TFS 12

If at the end of this “tips for success series” there was a greatest hits I think this would be one of them. Basically I make myself make progress on something every day. It doesn’...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 04 2007

International Shipping Not Ever Working

EDIT: Ok screw international shipping its the biggest pain in the ass ever. I tried to make it work and its clearly going to take more time then I care to put into it. Back to...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 04 2007

Bad Grammer, Legal Issues, And Debating Rand Fishkin On Discloser

Its time for the Monday questions! Nick writes: Hi Shoe, Why do you always mess up there their and then than. Ever think of hiring a copywriter? Ohh well It gives the gra...
Copyblogger · Posted Jun 04 2007

Writing Headlines for Regular Readers, Search Engines, and Social Media

When writing headlines for an article there are three different kinds of readers that you can optimize for: You can write for regular readers. You can write for search engine...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jun 04 2007

I Need Traffic and I am on a Budget!

Since now that you have content on your site or blog. You might want readers to start reading what you have to say right? But you just do not know how to create the traffic, your a...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 03 2007

Hire People For Jobs Not Jobs For People – TFS 11

A mistake I made early on was looking around at friends/family/people and seeing those who needed a job, hiring them, then trying to get them to fit in somewhere in the company. Th...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 03 2007

The ShoeMoney Shirt Store Is ALIVE

After 1 year in development the shirt store is actually functional. (basically i been dinking around with various shopping cart stuff). To kick it off for the next few days we ar...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jun 02 2007

Your Future is What you Make it

Today, I was visiting my family. I went to the gym with my younger brother and dropped off my sister to work. She is currently going to summer school and my brother will soon too n...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jun 02 2007

Essential Networking Tips for Bloggers

Blogs really hit the public scene during the 2004 presidential election. The reason is that it gave many people a place to be heard both as a journalist and political commentator....
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 02 2007

A Break For Our Sponsors

The biggest way to support is to subscribe to the RSS Feed. I just started actually doing some feed stuff with feed burner a few weeks ago and we are already up to ab...