Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 13 2007

A Sphinn on DropJack: Social Bookmarking

I received 2 emails today about 2 new social bookmarking sites. First of all, what is social bookmarking? Social bookmarking is a new trend in search engine optimization, which h...

Shoemoney · Posted Jul 13 2007

Movies That Motivate Me

**WARNING THERE IS SOME EXPLICIT LANGUAGE IN THESE VIDEOS*** I have a 5 disc DVD player that was state of the art 7 years ago when I bought it. Now its a bit outdated. Reguardles...

Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 13 2007

Give and you Shall Receive – TrackBacking

I have written several post on trackbacking and even did a case study on it. I think trackbacking is a great way to get yourself noticed. Trackback links are another way to increas...

Shoemoney · Posted Jul 12 2007

Kongregate Frickin Rocks

So we had a desktop tower defense contest before and I think I will switch all future contests to Kongregate. Get signed up now and reserve your name. Right now I am developing...

Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 12 2007

Comments: Why its Important in the Blogosphere

Why do you leave comments on a blog? Do you do it because you disagree with the authors post? Maybe, because you agree with the post? What about maybe just leaving a thank you rema...

Shoemoney · Posted Jul 11 2007

Skills to Right Some Ills

This is a guest post for Shoemoney and it’s damned good so it should get accepted. Also, my blog sucks, so please don’t check it out. In this post I will share how to recover fro...

Shoemoney · Posted Jul 11 2007

No more sponsored links what a bunch of bullshit

So like I like Matt Mullenweg. He has been a guest on my radio show but now he is leading this huge thing with other wordpress people to ban sponsored links. Ya Matt Cutts applaud...

Shoemoney · Posted Jul 11 2007

Upselling – The why, the where, the how

This article has been guest blogged by David Wilkinson – 13-Year Old Affiliate Marketing Expert. We’ve all seen the silly little ‘one time offers’ when buying Internet Marketing...

Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 11 2007

Buy Blog Comments: A Dark Day in the Blogosphere

Yes, finally a service that you can pay some human to spam to other blogs sites, isn’t this great! You now do not have to sit in front of your computer spamming other blogs! You ca...

Copyblogger · Posted Jul 11 2007

Which Words Can You Live Without?

On November 19th, 1863, popular orator Edward Everett gave a two-hour speech that nobody remembers. Following Everett, President Abraham Lincoln stood up, delivered 269 words now k...
