Copyblogger · Posted Jul 17 2007

IKEA Content: How to Lose Your Readers in Two Minutes or Less

I clearly remember that first day I wandered into an IKEA megastore. A line from that famous Eagles song came to mind: “Welcome to the Hotel California… You can check out any tim...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 16 2007

Optimize Your ‘Share This’ Plugin for Alexa

As you all know I have been talking about StumbleUpon a lot on this blog. Terence Chang is one of the blogs I read a lot if he has a post on StumbleUpon. I even wrote about a proje...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 16 2007

The SEOmoz Landing Page Contest: Entries Judged by Live Multivariate Testing

Last week, quite a few people wondered if they’d get to see any real-life results based on Roberta’s critique of the SEOmoz Premium Membership landing page. We already knew the ans...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 16 2007

How Successful is Your Landing Page? The 3 Key Metrics You Need to Know

We’ve spent a lot of time exploring the copy and design techniques that drive successful landing pages. But do you know how to best measure your success? That’s the focus of a mo...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 16 2007

Microsoft Gains Search Engine Market Share – DUH

Lately I keep seeing stories about Microsoft Search’s recent surge in market share. For Example: – June Search Market Share: Big Surprise from MSN Techcrunch – Cou...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 16 2007

ShoeMoney In Business Week

I had like 18 emails in my inbox this morning congratulating me on the business week article… only I had no idea what they were talking about. Then after looking at web refers I...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 15 2007

Link Karma

Jakob Nielsen says to write articles, not blog postings. Good, forward-thinking advice Jakob! I’ll start doing that, and recommending that others do the same, a year-and-a-half ago...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 15 2007

Sorry no shoemoney show this week

Last week we couldn’t do it cause of Affiliate Summit and this week I just found out like literally an hour ago that I have to fly to NYC on Tuesday w/ dillsmack aka dd aka ddn aka...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 15 2007

Crazy Shoemoney Stuff Around The Web

Cut my head off or not ? – dude made a sculpture of me and has a poll wether or not to chop my head off! ouch! (i voted chop the sucker off! ) I licked ShoeMoneys Head – yes I di...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 14 2007

Microsoft AdCenter Free Shirt Friday!

Microsoft AdCenter sent me this very sexy jersey/shirt. Very nice looking. Speaking of AdCenter I am really digging them lately. They continue to make improvements all the time to...