Copyblogger · Posted Jul 22 2007

Get Anyone to Read Every Word You Write With These 7 Steps

Here’s the secret to successful writing according to Stephen King: Take out the bad parts. While those 5 words sum it up perfectly, some people don’t really get what concise wr...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 22 2007

back home back on track

Sorry its been so slow posting. In the last 2 weeks I went from 5 days in Miami to NYC then to Moline IL then I just got home. Some big things happening So now just catching...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 20 2007

Conversations with Parrots and the Dangers of a Swipe File

Ever try talking with a parrot? It seems like any time anyone comes across a parrot, they try to strike up a conversation to see if the bird will talk back. And it can be quite a...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 20 2007

Blog Startup: Choosing a Domain

This weekend I will be creating a new blog! Its another topic that I like to talk about and all next week I will be talking about how I started my new blog and how I get traffic fl...
Shoemoney · Posted Jul 19 2007

Books That Motivate Me

I have been contemplating starting a ShoeMoney book of the month club. Seems kind of ironic since I never read a book eh? Well lucky for us they have books on itunes. Anyway it m...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 19 2007

Pownce on a Review

I recently joined Pownce, thanks for the invite Kevin! Again, dissecting in to the world of web 2.0 communication on the internet is crucial for everyone. Information is the key to...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 18 2007

Bumpzee Review: Another Blogosphere Community

Some of the most popular websites online today have to do with meeting friends and renewing old relationships – but what are social networking websites really about? Especially b...
Copyblogger · Posted Jul 18 2007

Two Techniques That Help You Embrace Brevity

Editor’s Note: Last week, Muhammad Saleem submitted an article to Copyblogger on how to incorporate brevity into your writing. I decided to break up the article into two parts, and...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 17 2007

Goal Motivation: Just Do It!

Sometimes I need motivation; I tend to procrastinate when it comes to creating my ebooks, reports, or building my list. I need motivation! Earning through the internet and retiring...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 17 2007

Monetize Your Blog/Website by Testing First

Today, I saw a great video on ways to monetize a website/blog, or other ways to make money with your website. Even though it is a promotional video to one of Joel Comms’ free repor...