Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 04 2007

eBay is a Seasonal Job for Me

This morning I have been busy setting and creating a template for my eBay auction. I decided to clear some of this junk I have in my house and auction it on eBay. When I first star...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 02 2007

Don’t Like Top 10 Lists? Tell a Story Instead

Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it. ~Hannah Arendt Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today. ~Robert McKee...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 02 2007

Agloco Spam Is Out Of Control

Between comments here on my blog and the 20 people a day I ban on Digitalpoint forums for people spamming Agloco affiliate links I am amazed all the IDIOTS who actually think they...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 02 2007

Cmon Google News

I got off the plane in Lincoln and I had a text message from Dillsmack saying there was a video online of the bridge collapsing. I hit Google News and searched for it… The first t...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 01 2007

Introducing the New Blog and Extra Traffic Sources

This will be my last post on my new blog startup (maybe, unless I find a good strategy to share)and by the way I would like to introduce you to the new blog I have been working on...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 01 2007

7 Things You Need to Know About Writing Lists That Work

One sure-fire way to get attention from socially driven sites is to write a really good list. If you look at the current popular articles on CopyBlogger you’ll note the following:...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 01 2007

Minneapolis I-35 Bridge Collapses

Dave and I left our data center at 5:30 and the traffic on I-35 was really bad so we took a different bridge across the Mississippi. At 6:10 the i-35w bridge collapsed. My cell p...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 01 2007

Consider Yourself a Noob, Newbie, Newie or a Quitter!

The term “newbie” stands for new person, but there really isn’t another one that comes readily to mind that says it in quite the same manner. You are a beginner to a specific topic...

Shoemoney · Posted Jul 31 2007

Anyone Watch Big Love On HBO ?

I thought the season finale last night of Big Love was off the hook? Anyone else watch it? Actually I am not sure it is the season finale BTW when does Lost start again already!...

Ian Fernando · Posted Jul 31 2007

The Simpsons are Entrepreneurs Too!

I enjoyed The Simpsons movie and after writing about the Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 I thought to myself about the Simpson being entrepreneurs themselves. How so? Well Ned Flande...
