Copyblogger · Posted Aug 06 2007

Landing Page Makeover Clinic #3:

Our third landing page makeover is for Helen Graves, a business coach who works with solo entrepreneurs, mostly female in the 30-50 age bracket. She would like to increase the sale...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 06 2007

Three Ways to Spice Up Any Blog Post

Is your writing all meatloaf and mashed potatoes and no jalapeño and oregano? If so, you may be focusing on format and forgetting about what Ernest Hemingway called vigorous langua...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 06 2007

Ringtone Forums For Sale

I started this forum where users can discuss ringtones back in November 2004. Since the site has grown to over 4500 members. I have not been active what so ever on the site and i...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 06 2007

Aftervote Tops Social Search Engines

A while back on the ShoeMoney show I talked about David Naylor’s new social powered search engine AfterVote. AfterVote is looking great. Out of all the social influenced search e...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 06 2007

Q&A Round 2 8-6-2007

Here is my answers to your questions you posted. Next sunday we will take questions for the one… the only…. David Dellanave AKA Dillsmack! Mark asks: Do you think your sponsor...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 06 2007

YouTube as a Promotional Tool?

The other day I bought a new webcam to start Video Marketing. This past weekend I have created my first video…AHHH! I will be posting it on YouTube later today. Well my curiosity i...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 05 2007

WordPress 2.2.2 Released – Upgrade ASAP

I don’t post every time something upgrades but the wordpress development blog says version 2.2.2 is being released. This addresses 1 of the 7 security issues found on this page l...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 05 2007

Fire Away With Questions Round 2

Ask questions in comments here. I wrote a script to easily format the html for me and also link to those who asked the questions. Please search before asking duplicates will be ig...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 04 2007

500 ShoeMoney Shirts Sold

Well since we opened the store a month ago we have sold over 500 shirts. Pretty crazy. If you bought one, stole one, borrowed one from a friend, or got a free one at a conference...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 04 2007

My Dad Catching The Big Fish

In last weeks questions someone asked “whos your daddy”. Well I will tell you about my Dad. He is a bad ass even in retirement who goes around the world and catches 100+ lbs fish...