Shoemoney · Posted Aug 15 2007

DigitalPoint Keeps Webmaster Forum Marketshare Through 2007

If Alexa is good for anything its comparing niche websites. Especially when the traffic dips and spikes are mirrored. I first noticed last fall that DP had overtaken webmaster wo...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 15 2007

How to Become an Authority Blogger

I remember seeing one of my favorite comedians of all time, Jerry Seinfeld, a year or two ago. It was my birthday, and my dad took me because he knows what a big fan I am. So we...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 15 2007

Simple Facebook Adjustements to Get Traffic

Facebook is a great social community. You can meet new friends and find old friends. Finding friends and old college buddies is very simple. But all in all I also tend to use my pe...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 14 2007

Openads On The Shoemoney Show Tonight

For years I have been using openads (phpadsnew) and its been amazing to watch it grow. They have built quite a service and community. Tonight on the Shoemoney show my guest will...
Jason Akatiff · Posted Aug 14 2007

SQUIRT Link Building Automater….

As most of you know I wrote a tool to automate submissions to SQUIRT, BluehatSEO’s ( Eli’s ) automated link building tool What the script I wrote allows you to do is que a list of...
Jason Akatiff · Posted Aug 14 2007

Welcome to the Blog….

In an effort to let everyone who’s intersted in coding for SEO and Affiliate marketing with a HEAVY emphasis on PHP coding have a voice I decided to setup a blog so that others cou...
Jason Akatiff · Posted Aug 14 2007

New tutorial on Filling Forms using PHP added

Sorry for the long delay in between tutorials. Looks like about a month and a half. With the summer time here there’s a lot going on non-work related. So if you’ve been waiting for...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 14 2007

How Hell’s Kitchen Season Finale was Inspirational

Last night on Hell’s Kitchen the two chefs Bonnie and Rock went head to head to compete to become the next head chef at the Green Valley Resort. This specific episode was pretty in...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 13 2007

Are You Getting Ready For 2007 Christmas ?

This is the week I always mark on my calendar as “Christmas research”. Basically I just put into some notes items I am watching that could be the next “hottest thing” this year....
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 13 2007

Answers to Q&A Round 3 – With David Dellanave

Luis asks: What motivates you to be with shoe and not doing all that stuff by yourself. David Dellanave: Same reason I don’t clean my own house. I can be far more producti...