Not to long again I started this thing called Free Shirt Friday. Maybe you have heard of it. Basically sites and companies send me shirts… I write about them and post a picture of..., people don’t seem very happy with Google lately, huh? Never mind the future implications of a world controlled by Big G. Webmasters and bloggers are making more and more noi... takes a company a really long time to piss me off but this Ultra DNS company calls my cell phone a ton and emails me about every day… and its always some new jerkoff too… SO I... Olthuis gave me that gem of a tip: “Fake it ’til you make it.” Have you ever looked at someone in our industry and thought “How the hell is this person speaking at conferen... the affiliate world was perfect IMO you could just link to websites… anywhere on there site… not have to worry about some crazy link structure or id or login and if you referred... more people begin to realize that blogging for ad dollars and other free content strategies might not be the best way to make money online, I’m getting more and more questions r... would like to take this time to thank Brian Gardner, he has helped me customized the wordpress theme to my liking and needs. The Revolution theme is a wordpress template/theme wh... have contacted Jon to help with my blog with a post. He has accepted and now I have the oppurtunity to interview him and his busy life. Jon is the owner of FreelancFolder and Sma... Thursday I was able to get a sneak peak at a up and coming Advertising solution which is doing a semi-private beta launch today. Its called the Rubicon Project and out of a f... couple weeks ago WordPress released version 2.3. I was hesitant to upgrade at first… like most major upgrades just wanted to let others go at it first and see what they had to... © 2024. All rights reserved